When asked by an Encomium magazine reporter what will change about her now that she's married and just had a baby, Maryam, the new wife of dance hall artiste, African China replied "I will keep away from my old friends that are not married and face my family squarely."
When asked "Do you think old unmarried friends will stop you from taking care of your family properly, she replied "Not really, they won't hinder me. I'm just not who I used to be. I don't want to have divided attention from my family. My family comes first now"
When we read things like this, we can't help but LOL. How can you be enlightened and say things like this?
Is there anything remotely wrong with being married and having unmarried friends?
Archive for July 2009
posted by sooyup
posted by sooyup
When asked what Style is, Omowunmi Akinnifesi, former most beautiful girl in Nigeria, who I think is one of the best dressed ladies in this country, said
"Style to me is not something that is cultivated. It is something that is inborn and comes out with time. When you begin to grow older, style comes naturally and you just begin to discover your own kind of style"
What stood out for me was; Style is not cultivated, it's inborn.
Is it really? Then why the hell wasn't I born with it...lol
But seriously is Style inborn or some people just happen to have really good stylists/designers or grow into their own over time, or see a lot on TV and fashion mags to copy from? (guilty! :-))!
What do you guys think?
Speaking of Style and dressing fab, for the first time ever, I made Encomium magazine's best dressed list. Hmmm, I was rocking mehn...lol. It was myself, Omowunmi Akinnifessi, Stephanie Okereke, and Uche Jumbo. From the Guinness 250 outing.
Koko Mansion Evictions
Moving on to other things, two contestants have been evicted from Koko Mansion...
They are...Rekana and Victoria.
Rekana Sharon Ojong “ I guess I was able to cope with the demands of being isolated with 11 strangers in the mansion, because I kept my eyes fixed on the goal” Rekana began, “the 5 million naira prize and the opportunity to be classified as an ideal Nigerian woman was my primary motivation – but after a while the education we were getting in the mansion became the major motivation – we were taught several things such that we learned how to manage a home on budget, we were tutored by Grace Oforiokuma from Style and Grace, and we received countless lessons in poise, elocution, etiquettes, and even how to tie gele – but more significantly I learned how to live with other people, and how to control my temper”
On who should win “at first I was thinking Rita, but when I thought about it – I discovered that Rita needs a great deal of polishing before she can possess the qualities of an ideal woman – since then, I’ve come to believe that Bolanle deserves my vote because she is intelligent, smart, well-spoken, and beautiful – so I’d be campaigning for Bolanle.
Victoria Oloye on being evicted "I can’t be angry at D’banj, because I know it wasn’t up to him – the viewers had voted, and whoever had the least number of votes had to leave – I was found guilty, so it was okay for me to leave”
On who should win "I’d cast my vote for Chidinma any day – any time, because she’s a kind-hearted and virtuous woman, despite the fact that she’s not perfect, she exercises a very high tolerance level when dealing with conflicts in the mansion – she also tries to advise you on how to do things better, but the best part is that despite the fact that she’s from a privileged family, she hardly puts on any airs, and I believe that’s how an ideal woman should be”.
Photo of the day
A very stylish Mariah Carey...love her look here. Too Fab!
posted by sooyup
Paul play down with cancer – Chilee Agunanna (Encomium magazine)
Hospitalized in South Africa, colleagues pray for quick recovery
Reports coming from South Africa are not pleasant for the Nigerian music industry. Paul play Dairo, son of the late Juju music legend, IK Dairo, was allegedly diagnosed with cancer of the kidney while in South Africa to shoot some music videos.
An emergency operation was immediately performed for the removal of the cancerous lump and he is now recuperating under the watchful eyes of his family, while the video shoots have been put on hold.
His cancer was still in its early stages and the operation was successful.
Thank God for his mercies.
posted by sooyup
Oh dear, I don't know how many of you have read this. Religious violence in the Northern part of Nigeria which started in Bauchi on Sunday, has spread to Kano, Borno, Maiduguri and Yobe leaving over 150 people dead in two days. A totally sad thing to happen in our nation.
Read the story below.
Nigerian 'Taliban' offensive leaves 150 dead
Islamic group opposed to western education, Boko Haram, launches attacks across four northern provinces
Dead Nigerians are brought to a police station in the northeastern city of Bauchi after a gun battle in the early morning. Photograph: Ardo Hazzad/Reuters.
A self-styled "Taliban" intent on imposing sharia law on all Nigerians widened its offensive yesterday in violence that has left 150 people dead.
Boko Haram, an Islamic group opposed to western education, has launched attacks across four northern provinces over the last two days and declared its intention to fight to the death.
Civilians were pulled from their cars and shot, their corpses then left scattered around the streets, witnesses told the BBC. Its reporter counted 100 bodies, mostly those of militants, near police headquarters in Maiduguri, Borno state. The police and army were on patrol, firing into the air, as hundreds of people fled their homes.
Witnesses said a separate gun battle raged for hours in Potiskum, Yobe state, where members of Boko Haram chanted "God is great!" as they set a police station ablaze. Two people were confirmed dead and the police made 23 arrests.
Three people were killed and more than 33 arrested in Wudil, 12 miles from Kano, the biggest city in northern Nigeria, while the town's senior police officer was wounded.
Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, has more than 200 ethnic groups and is roughly equally split between Christians and Muslims. The predominantly Muslim north has progressively ushered in a stricter enforcement of sharia law since 2000.
Boko Haram, which models itself on the Taliban but has no known link, began its string of attacks in the northeastern city of Bauchi on Sunday after some of its members were arrested.
Around 70 militants armed with guns and grenades targeted a police station but were driven back by officers and soliders who then raided neighbourhoods, resulting in at least 55 deaths and up to 200 arrests. The Bauchi state governor imposed a night-time curfew as a result.
Ustaz Mohammed Yusuf, leader of Boko Haram, which literally means "education is prohibited", claimed that the government had been targeting his followers and they would never surrender.
He told Nigeria's Daily Trust newspaper: "What I said previously that we are going to be attacked by the authorities has manifested itself in Bauchi, where about 40 of our brothers were killed, their mosque and homes burnt down completely and several others were injured and about 100 are presently in detention. Therefore, we will not agree with this kind of humiliation, we are ready to die together with our brothers and we would never concede to non-belief in Allah."
He added: "I will not give myself up. If Allah wishes, they will arrest me; if Allah does not wish, they will never arrest me. But I will never give up myself, not after 37 of my followers are killed in Bauchi. Is it right to kill them, is it right to shoot human beings? To surrender myself means what they did is right. Therefore, we are ready to fight to die.
"Democracy and the current system of education must be changed otherwise this war that is yet to start would continue for long."
Bauchi, Yobe, Borno and Kano are among the 12 of Nigeria's 36 states that started a stricter enforcement of Islamic law in 2000 – a decision that has alienated sizeable Christian minorities and sparked bouts of sectarian violence that has killed thousands.
Clashes in Bauchi in February killed at least 11 people and wounded dozens. A Muslim group attacked Christians and burned churches in reprisals over the burning of two mosques, which Muslims blamed on Christians.
Last November, more than 700 people were killed in two days of fighting in the central city of Jos after a disputed election triggered the worst fighting between Muslim and Christian gangs in years.
Boko Haram is not connected to the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, the prominent rebel group responsible for a campaign of violence that has battered Africa's biggest energy sector, located in Nigeria, since early 2006.
Source: Guardian UK.
God help us...
posted by sooyup
About a month ago or so, a very good friend of mine who’s also a dedicated reader of this blog told me that I’m not as open as I used to be in my writings. For those who have been reading my blog since 07, you will recall I used to be very open about the happenings in my life. I could write about anything with no fears. Like I always say and one of the reasons I’m comfortable being a blogger and exposing myself to the world is; there’s no truth you can write about me that I can’t write about myself. Forget some people writing stuff about me that aren’t true; when it comes to the truth and very intimate details about my life, I can be very open. But after I started hearing, she talks too much, she’s a careless writer and after Encomium magazine started calling me garrulous Linda (go check the dictionary meaning of garrulous -not nice), I kind of decided to be a bit more careful about the sort of info I put on the web. I started holding back a little; not giving most of myself.
I miss writing that way, just as I am sure some of you miss reading Linda’s sincere thoughts. So we will do it with this post. I am going to be as open as I once was; and for those who are new to my blog, I hope I don’t shock you too much. When I want to be open, I go all out, so brace yourselves :-).
I call this my worries. We all have worries. No matter how much we try to pretend or push it aside, there are people, things and issues in our lives that keep us from attaining that ultimate happiness. I am not talking about worries that lead to depression, anger, frustration, deep fear or confusion; just that tiny bit of ‘something’ that refuses to go away until you deal with it.
I am going to deal with mine by writing about it here
Here are present worries and I write this with all sincerity...
*I am worried about being single...I will be 29 in a couple of months and I am not close to being married. There have been suitors naturally; in fact I recently turned down an expensive ring; and I did that because I realised I was more interested in the ring than the man. When he said spend the night with me, I sighed. Then I thought; if I can’t imagine spending a night with him, how in the world can I spend my forever with him? When I explained it to a friend, she said to give it a chance; he will grow on you she promised. Grow on me? If he hasn’t grown on me in five months, I don’t see how he will grow on me in five years. But then again, I’ve always been worried I am too naive. Maybe that’s the way it works? Maybe sparks, passion and being insanely in love with someone before you marry them aren’t that common in real life? Maybe it only happens in romantic movies and pages of romantic novels? Someone told me that love is not the biggest factor for people getting married these days. Should I marry someone I don’t love and expect him to grow on me? What if that never happens? And the biggest issue with me is that I am built in a way that I can’t let a man I’m not convinced I am ‘in love’ with, touch me. So how does that work for me? How do I let him in? I want it all, the fireworks, the burning passion, the ‘madness’ et al, before settling down. I want to love a man beyond telling, beyond everything, before saying ‘I do’. I am worried I am looking for much more than there is to find. *
*I am worried I’ve never been in love. Have I believed I was in love? Yes! Have I been infatuated? A few times! But have I ever really been in love? If you’d asked me this a year or two ago, I probably would have said yes. But now I’m not so sure. Early this year I watched ‘Madea’s Family Reunion’ and there was this scene towards the end of the movie where Boris Kodjoe’s character said some things to his female love interest. He said a lot, but what stood out for me was when he looked deep into her eyes and said “I pray for you before I pray for myself. And when I am with you, my world is okay’. I’ve never looked into any man’s eyes and felt that way. I’ve never prayed about a particular man, ever. I mean I pray about finding Mr Right and stuff, but I’ve never taken a name to God. No man has ever had that strong effect on me. I’ve gone on a few dates with guys and when I’m sitting across them in a restaurant, half the time I can’t wait to leave, some I’ve enjoyed being with, in fact one I enjoyed kissing, but there was always something missing. You know that feeling of being so in love you can’t swallow food when you are around them because you have no appetite; they’re food enough for you. You are so crazy about someone your heart is filled with thoughts of them, even when you are with them. You feel like you can’t go another day without seeing or talking to them. I’ve never felt that way before and that’s what I am looking for. If you have found love and truly feel this way about your partner, then count yourself lucky and do everything in your power to hold onto that love. Because what you’ve found is still a dream for some of us. *
*I am worried about sex...or the lack of it. I haven’t had sex in a couple of years now. OK, press STOP. Rewind. Does couple mean two? If yes, then that’s what I mean. If no, then I meant to say two years. That’s wild huh? And probably unbelievable, but it’s true. That’s out of choice really. Good men and true love may be scarce but not d**ks. Oh, you can get that anytime. Men will gladly offer that to you. “Want some d**k on the rocks? On the double?” lol. I just made up my mind after my last sexual relationship not to give it up again until I see a ring I want to keep. If you want the milk, you’re going to have to buy the cow eh?. Not necessarily until the wedding night, just after I know that’s definitely happening...I don’t know, maybe like some weeks to the wedding?, or something like that. But then again you never really know; maybe I’ll meet someone and fall so deep I don’t remember I’m supposed to wait. But for now the plan is to wait, and so far I’ve stuck with that plan, but what worries me is that it might be a long wait...because I’ve been turning down marriage proposals like I have all the time in the world. But then again, I don’t want to wake up one day, look at the man lying next to me and ask; what have I done?. *
*I am worried I have never had an orgasm. Maybe that’s why I am not so big on sex. Maybe that’s why I can go for this long and not be bothered about it. Sometimes I don’t remember it until I see something of a sexual nature, then I remind myself that I am woman with a vagina...that’s not in use at the moment...lol. I was circumcised, even though I hear that doesn’t prevent orgasm from taking place. Well, for me to really determine if I’ve ever had an orgasm, you’d have to describe it to me. What am I supposed to feel? How is it supposed to affect me? Toes curled, your heart beating in your head? Feels like your body is about to explode? Describe it please, and then I’ll tell you. I enjoy the whole intimacy thing, like kissing (I cant get enough of that...lol) and touching, and him going down there, oh especially that, chai!...lol. But penetration is another matter...but I have faith. Hopefully one day I’ll find a guy who will make me eat my words. I worry about how long that ‘one day’ will take. *
*I am worried that I am getting too old to live at home. The plan has always been to move from my father’s house to my husband’s house, but as husband never come, wetin woman go do? :-). I am thinking of moving out, but living alone worries me. It really does. *
* I am worried about my lack of interest to travel abroad. I’ve had a few invitations, some from readers of this blog sef :), but I’ve never done anything about. This particular friend has been trying to get me to visit the UK since last year, and he hasn’t succeeded. He doesn’t even talk to me anymore sef...lol. I am worried that I don’t know the location of any embassy in this country and it doesn’t bother me. I am worried that’s not normal. *
*But most of all I am worried about being put on a pedestal. It’s one of the hardest things of all. People expect so much from you and not being able to live up to that expectation. I am worried about letting people down. So much is expected of me, at home, at work, with friends, even here on this blog. Someone threatened to stop coming to this blog if I don’t bring more Naija news, I went out and got more softsell mags because I don’t want to let my readers down or loose them. I’m worried a lot of people rely so much on me, to solve their problems, to motivate, inspire and give them a shoulder to cry on. No one asks if I need a shoulder myself. And because I’ve been put on that pedestal, I act like I don’t need it, but I do. Sometimes it’s too much. The pedestal is sometimes too high. People expect me to succeed so that can give them hope. So I pressure myself. Friends have given up on me because I don’t communicate with them like I should, not understanding how much of a struggle every day is for me, and how much I’d appreciate it if they would just reach out instead of being angry. Someone called me her hero recently. I’m no hero I said to her; I’m just a young lady still trying to find her feet, trying to build a business in such a difficult terrain. Sometimes I’m lost and confused and need guidance. I don’t know it all, but how do you say that when you’ve been placed so highly? How?
I really worry!
That’s most of my worries summarised in one post. Thanks for reading it.
I’ll recommend this to everyone with worries. Share it. It’s therapeutic.
So I’ve bared my soul to you guys, write anything you want but please be nice :-)
Quote of the day
We all have our trials and tribulations; for some of us, it kills us. For others, we deal with it the best we can. But for all of us to stay sane, we all have to believe that God knows what he’s doing in our lives. So stay strong and have faith. Faith is believing when there’s nothing else you can do.
posted by sooyup
A few months ago I was at the galleria with a friend when three people approached me. One asked ‘Are you Linda Ikeji?’ I replied in the affirmative. Then she said, I love your blog, it’s really nice. One of the people with her asked what my blog was all about and she replied ‘If you want to know the latest gossip in town, go to her blog’. For some reason I didn’t particularly like that description. I know I’m a gossip but to be reminded of it is such a turn off...lol. So I decided to lessen my amebo, (I’m sure you guys have noticed a reduction in hot gossip and controversies on this blog). But then again, it’s probably too late to redeem my image, so let’s gossip away...lol
But you know what they say about gossip, don’t believe everything you read. And my apologies to 2face if this story isn't true...
Check it out...
RKelly denies duet with Tuface Idibia – Afolabi Adekoya (City People)
Since he release d his latest album, UNSTOPPABLE, popular singer, 2face idibia has found himself faced with one controversy or the other. The latest centers around the duet he claimed to have done with American RnB star, R. Kelly. The song in question is titled ‘FLEX’. According to him, in a recent interview, the deal was brokered by Toyin Subair, boss of HiTV cable network and he (2face), actually met R. Kelly in the US before recording the song. One of the reasons people seemed to be debating the authenticity of his claim of a collabo with R.Kelly is because the beat of the said song has been used by R.Kelly before in one of his songs.
While the entire nation seemed to have forgotten the issue, the whole collabo brouhaha came up again when R.Kelly visited Nigeria a few weeks ago. Expectedly, many people were expecting to see Tuface perform with R. Kelly but that didn’t happen. Rumours started flying that Tuface may have lied to Nigerians about having done a duet with R.Kelly.
Surprisingly, 2face, who’d featured in past music festival organized by ThisDay didn’t make the list of the performing artists billed for R.Kelly’s show. An insider disclosed that when R.Kelly was asked if he knows Tuface, he denied him, saying he had never heard the name before. He was said to have listened to the song they were meant to have done together and he laughed over it, insisting that he made the beat a long time ago, and that it must have been tapped on the internet.
This City People learnt got the organizers upset and it is for this reason, sources revealed that 2face may have been dropped from the show.
Last week Thursday, City People put a call across to 2face to comment on the allegation but his line was not available, so they called up his manager, Efe Omoreige who spoke exclusively on the issue “Well, I have not heard anything from the organizers of the show that R.Kelly disclaimed Tuface, so I might not be able to respond to it. About the allegations that Tuface didn’t record with R.Kelly, I will explain to you. Yes the duet was real. Tuface recorded with R.Kelly but not in the same studio. The met but couldn’t achieve being in the studio at the same time because of their tight schedule. R.Kelly did his own part and sent it to Tuface and that is all about it. Tuface didn’t perform at the show because he was already engaged elsewhere. We were contacted for the show, but we were already booked to be in Benin. You don’t expect Tuface to neglect a show he has been paid for to convince people that he knows R.Kelly”
Hmmmm, interesting!
Let me tell you what I think. If these guys actually spoke with R. Kelly and he said the things they claim he said, then I don't think R Kelly would lie about not knowing Tuface. He has no reason to. But I also do not think that Tuface Idibia would stoop so low to do what he's being accused of. He's far bigger than that. So there must be something else going on here that we don't know about. There's definitely another hook to this story.
What do you guys think? And please no insults...
posted by sooyup

So watch out for that!
Also look out for that...
Photos of the day
Ciara new hairstyle
Ciara before
Ciara now.
I kinda like it. It's really nice.
Ok, I'm through with blogging today, catch ya'll tomorrow