This is the beginning of a new month and this is my prayer for you.
May the month of March be a month of blessings...
Blessings of goodness.
Blessings of joy.
Blessings of peace.
Blessings of kindness.
Blessings of friendship.
Blessings of love.
Blessings of creativity.
Blessings of strength.
Blessings of serenity.
Blessings of fulfillment.
Blessings of dignity.
Blessings of satisfaction.
Blessings of success.
Blessings of sustenance.
Blessings of physical health and radiance.
May your enemies never touch you.
May they never find you.
May they forget your name.
May everything they wish for you go back to them.
If they wish you evil, may evil follow them.
If they wish you failure...may God shame them with your success story
May God break any stronghold they're trying to erect in your life.
May you defeat them and every evil force that tries to enter your mind and life
May they not succeed in leading you through the wrong path
But above all, may God never forsake Jesus Name...AMEN!
