Basket Mouth gets baby boy from lover
By Azuh Arinze
Top comedian, Bright Okpocha, is now a father. His lover of many years, Elsie Uzoma, delivered their first child, a baby boy, on Friday, May 9th, 2008, at Lagoon Hospital, Apapa, Lagos. Mother and child are okay. Basketmouth is excited but partially unhappy because he was not in the labour room to witness Jason's (That's the name they gave the baby boy) arrival, which had always been his dream.
Congrats to the new father...a wedding next perhaps?
Stephanie Okereke's interview
By Uche Olehi of Encomium magazine
S "Yeah, I just got an endorsement as the face of Emelda, a company in the states
How much is it really worth?
S "There are lots of speculations going on. I'm bound by my contract not to disclose the amount, but it is definitely in millions"
What's new about Stephanie Okereke?
S "Stephanie is doing a lot of great things. Other than the endorsement, I'm working. I'm also setting up a foundation to create awareness for Vestico Vagina Fescular (VVF), that's the thing I'm doing now.
We are amazed at your transformation after your life threatening auto crash years back
S "That's why I said I had to be at AMAA 2008. The last one I had an accident. The second time I was on crutches and today I'm walking. I give God all the glory"

How is life without a husband? (trust naija Journalists...they always go
S "That I wouldn't want to talk about, but I'm feeling so great. How do I look without him?"
Cool. Any plans to remarry?
S "I don't know. But I'm very much single"
What are the mistakes you made in your crashed marriage that you want to correct now?
S "I don't think I made any mistake in my relationship. I'm happy with the way everything went."
No regret, you're perfect?
S "No, not that I'm perfect. Any decision you make you are accountable for it. I know what I passed through and I am proud I actually stood out at the end of the day"
What are you expecting from your future husband, considering the travails of the first?
S "No comment about that. When it comes, I will let you know."
Note: That is not Steph's ex
Joke Jacobs Denies Marriage break-up
By Leke Adeneye of Encomium magazine
Now, what will be your comment about the speculations in certain quarters that your long travel was to escape for a while from some suspected crisis within your marriage to Uncle Olu Jacobs?

J "Really? I find that very interesting. They should have rather said that a while back when there were problems, but they are saying it now when there are none. Like all marriages, we have had our problems. Unless they are dishonest with each other, as a couple, will you say your marriage doesn't face any kind of problem? Ours has had it share, but what I do say each time is that ours is a marriage that God wanted. There are some challenges that when they occur, it could be him or me who would say 'That's it, I've had enough'. One of us would just say 'Okay I've made a mistake in this area, just show me how to sort it out' and that has been the story of our marriage"

J "What can I say? Stop looking up to me. Because from them too, I'm pretty sure I can learn a lot. Well, the bible says the three-fold card is not easily broken, so let God be the third party in your relationship and it will surely last"
9ice beaten and arrested by the police by Seun Apara (Encomium mag)
9ice beaten and arrested by the police by Seun Apara (Encomium mag)
The men of the Nigeria Police must have an axe to grind with our music celebs. Month after month, they keep disgracing our music stars, at times beating some of them black and blue. Muma Gee, Paul play, Peter of P-Square have all had their fair shares. The latest from them occurred on Wed, May 7th, 2008, when they harrased the rave of the moment, 9ice, beating him thoroughly. Their attack on 9ice happened at Bariga where he had gone to see his sick mother. According to him, the traffic was quite serious and they had some important stuff to attend to. On his way back from Bariga, three men and a woman suddenly double crossed him, and because they were all in mufti and the place was not a check point, he mistook them for robbers and sped off. Unknown to him, the police officers were pursuing him and when it was obvious to them that they couldn't get him, they started shooting at his tyres. Immediately the car stopped, all the officers started beating him with guns and police batons. They dragged him down from the car, tore his clothes and dragged him to one of the police stations in Bariga and put him behind the counter. Within a twinkle of an eye, a crowd gathered at the station immediately they heard 9ice had been arrested. The Lagos State Police PRO, Mr, Frank Mba, ordered his release and apologised to him. The excuse of the officers later was that they didn't recognise him as an artiste and also he did not stop when they told him to.
Dimeji Alara suffers stroke - by Stella Dimoko Korkus
Dimeji Alara suffers stroke - by Stella Dimoko Korkus

This ex-Genevieve magazine reporter, suffered a stroke two weeks ago. "Dimeji is lying in hospital with one part of his face paralysed. The stroke took him by surprise because he's still very young. He can't speak well right now as half os his face, including eye, tonque and cheek is paralysed'
Dimeji is said to be in his 20's, how can that happen? Is he the guy that runs
Blackface Changes name

Blackface Changes name

One of Nigeria's prominent acts, Blackface, has changed his name to Blackface Naija. At the moment, everything about the act, locally and internationally, is undergoing serious repackaging. According to the artiste, he decided to change his name because many people around the world are bearing Blackface and he got to know about this on the internet. So, in order to distinguish himself, he decided to add Naija to his name.
He is releasing another album in May titled Me, Music and I and it will contain the current single he is promoting on air, Ghetto Girls.

Nigeria's multi platinum star, 2face has stepped up with a wonder on wheels. This time, it is an Armada Jeep which he recently acquired. The Jeep replaces his stolen Range Rover and it cost him N8million
AMEN calls for entries
Awards for Musical Excellence in Nigeria, AMEN 2008, is around the corner and the organisers have been sending clarion calls to musicians, label owners, marketers, and artiste managers to submit their entries for AMEN 2008, slated for August 8 2008 (080808). Entries to be submitted are works released between January 2007 and December 2007. Each entry is expected to be five copies of CD, VCD or DVD and should be submitted before June 13 2008.
Tunde Adewale, one of Nigeria's hottest comedians is set to lauch his TV programme, Showtime Africa, which has been on air since last year. The launch has been fixed for May 28th 2008. The 30-minute affair is a wholesome entertainment programme that draws content from fashion, music, movies and sports and comedy.
Ruggedman's Quote
Ruggedman "Women attract me a lot because I am a man. I can't deny that fact. But it's not every food you see you eat. We try to handle our business"
Rugged's most embarrassing moment
"I think she was too attractive and I was trying to say hi to her in public and she just looked at me hissed and walked away in the full glare of people"
That's it! I try abi? Ciao!