Highlife King, Chief Oliver De Coque, (born Oliver Sunday Akanite) is dead.

I just got the news from a family member that he died in the wee hours of this morning…around 4am, at R Jolad Hospital in Gbagada.
Cause of death: low blood pressure.
He was 60.

King (Dr.) Chief Oliver de Coque released his first album in 1976 after learning to play music from a Congolese guitarist. Since that time he has released 73 albums which demonstrate his "Ogene" style of Nigerian highlife.
Read more about him here...http://www.onlinenigeria.com/links/coqueadv.asp
May his soul rest in peace…Amen!
May his soul rest in peace…Amen!
Too many people are dying these days; death seems to be looking for the smallest excuse to take people…please let’s all get closer to God…
May we all live to see our children’s children…Amen.