He comes to my office today, asking me to lend him money.
I'm surprised because I know he made a few millions a few months ago after working on a project for almost six months. I remember asking him a day after he got his cheque what he planned to do with the money. He talked about buying shares and I remember saying something about investing.
So here he is two months later asking me to lend him a few thousands. What happened to all your money I ask him.
Well, here's his story. He spent 85% of the money to buy a brand new Jeep (4x4), another 10% to revamp his wardrobe and the last 5% finished a few days ago, so he needs a loan.
Then I ask him why he spent all that money buying a Jeep instead of investing some of it.
His answer leaves me speechless for at least 5seconds.
He says 'well, all my friends drive Jeeps, I have to join the club, besides how else can I show that I have arrived?"
Y'all don't wanna know what ensued after that and no he didn't get any money from me.
But this brings me to my question for today.
Do we humans do half the things we do because of what people say, will say or have said?
Do we get married because the society expects us to be married at a certain age and not because we're ready?
Do we refuse to walk out of a miserable, unhappy marriage because of what people will say?
Do we buy big, fine houses and cars just to impress people not because we really have a need for them? Why do some people have 6/7/8 cars? Is it because they really enjoy collecting cars or because it shows off their wealth?
Do we join a profession just because we think it's prestigious not because we have a passion for it?
'I want to be a lawyer'
'Because lawyers have a lot of respect'
Is that all we are about? Living for other people?
If he had said I bought the car with all my money because I needed it so badly...then maybe, but to say 'How else can I show the world I have arrived'
I don't think you need a car to prove you've arrived but some people don't get it.
So I ask again, do we do half the things we do because of what the society thinks or will say?
posted by sooyup