Miss Brazil, Mariana Bridi Da Costa Dies At 20
Mariana, who was supposed to have represented Brazil at the Miss World beauty pageant was diagnosed with a urinary infection and the doctors had to amputate both of her hands and feet in order to save her vital organs. A difficult infection caused septicaemia, which clogged her veins and cut off circulation.

Da Costa had been in an induced coma suffering from necrosis, caused by septicemia. Triggered by a bacterial infection, septicemia causes insufficient blood flow, which leads to organ failure.
Doctors were forced to amputate both her hands and feet and later extract part of her stomach and both kidneys as the disease took over.
Mariana`s boyfriend Thiago Simoes said that she fell ill in December, but was misdiagnosed with kidney stones. It is only after additional tests that it was determined she was infected with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.

Her fiance told CNN that da Costa woke up from a coma ten days ago and told him how much she wanted to be alive.
''She told me she was praying to stay alive, that she still had a lot to do on this earth, that she wanted to go on with her plans,'' he said.
''She comes from a humble family and she was the main breadwinner,'' said Simoes, who refuted rumors that da Costa was dieting and that might have affected her health."
Unfortunately Mari couldn't resist any longer. She passed away at 3 a.m. today - said Henrique Fontes, director of Miss World Brazil.
May her soul rest in peace
Nigerian police detain goat over armed robbery
Kwara state police spokesman Tunde Mohammed told Reuters by telephone.
"We cannot confirm the story, but the goat is in our custody. We cannot base our information on something mystical. It is something that has to be proved scientifically, that a human being turned into a goat," he said.
"We cannot confirm the story, but the goat is in our custody. We cannot base our information on something mystical. It is something that has to be proved scientifically, that a human being turned into a goat," he said.
Read the full story here...http://uk.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUKTRE50M4BM20090123