A man was very good to God, he kept God's comandment and all. God asked him one morning
God : My son you have been so good to me, you have kept my commandments and have lived a righteous life. What do you want me to do for you?
Man : Pls God can you build a bridge from Nigeria to America so I can go there regularly as I please.
God : My son it's not that its impossible for me to do but pls could you ask for something else.
Man : Ok, God pls I would like to know what's going on in the heart of my wife.
God : Hmm, pls that bridge you wanted, do you want it to be single lane or double lane?
Moral: its easier to build a bridge from here to America than to know whats going on in the heart of a woman.
Men always say they don't understand women, just like we don't understand men...right ladies?
Now here's the thing; in our mag, we have about 10pages dedicated to men and we have a particular page where women advise men on different issues.
In the next edition of our mag, we want to tackle the topic below...
What Men Still Don't Understand About Women
One of our writers actually submitted an article to us with the above title, but after going through the questions men frequently ask and her answers; as a woman, I didn't agree with some of them, so I decided to bring it here to get different opinions from the ladies.
Since they seem confused about us, let's enlighten them.
Here are some questions frequently asked by men...please pick one and answer for us
1. After you've broken up with a guy, do you ever think about getting back together with him?
2. Do you consider online chatting cheating?
3. Why do you nag us?
4. Can you live without sex?
5. Why do attached women flirt with single guys?
6. What does it mean when you won't say the L-word? 'Love'
7. What's the deal with wanting a big rock?
Please, we need at least 5 answers to each question...you guys need to come through for me...abeg, it's for the mag!
Oh, by the way, why do we nag? That's because you guys have ears but you never listen, so we have to repeat ourselves over and over and over again. Call it nagging if you want ;)
Waiting for your responses...
Meanwhile, check out pictures of the Karaoke event @ Swe Bar that held last weekend.
An evening of karaoke at Swe Bar

Banky W

Noble Igwe

Eldee and Banky W


Tosin Bucknor, Kel and Anthonia Ajibola

Pix thanks to Anthony Ayana Ajibola
We need articles/writers for the magazine...if you're interested , please email me
lindaikeji@gmail.comWill bring you Naija Ent. News next.