I got this mail a while back. July I think. I read it and didn't reply the sender immediately mostly 'cos I didn't know how to repond to it and also because I didn't think it was such an issue. Apparently it was 'cos I got another email from her yesterday where I was berated for not replying or sharing her 'problem' on my blog.
So here's her story.
She has a twin sister who she says was her best friend. They were inseparable growing up and also into their adulthood. They did virtually everything together. Emphasis on 'Everything' (Her words). Then her sister met someone last year and married him early this year and since then everything has changed between them. Her twin is never around anymore, she basically has her own life now and she feels her twin doesn't include her in it. She was her sister's best friend and confidant, now her sister has turned to her husband for all of that.
In July, she found out that her sister had changed all her documents and made her husband 'next of kin'. A position she used to hold.
Now she's very resentful and can't seem to come to terms with the fact that someone else is more important to her sister than herself. After 28 years as best friends, how could she turn her back on me for a man she's only known for less than two years? Her words...
She said she didn't initially mind her sister getting married, but she just never knew that marriage changed people so drastically. She now only gets an occasional call where before her sister couldn't go 'an hour' without calling her if they weren't together. She didn't even tell me she was pregnant, I had to hear that from our mum. Her words also
So she's very resentful of her sister and her husband and is looking for how to get over the anger and hatred she's beginning to feel for her sister. She feels abandoned and doesn't know how to deal with it. And yes she's single.
When I read the first mail many weeks back, she sounded to me like a jealous sister who couldn't deal with the fact that her sister could actually bond with someone else. But her second mail sounded different. More like someone who was on the verge of loosing something so important, that would destroy her if she did.
Really I have no words for her, I'm hoping someone out there does. So please see if you can help her deal with her situation.
But generally speaking, who should be top priority for us. A sister we grew up with or the husband we will spend the rest of our lives with?

Langdon spends a lot of time in historic buildings, and the reader learns many, many facts about them. He also confronts a series of codes and riddles. At times, he doesn't know whom to trust. And he faces dangerous situations that threaten his life.