If you noticed I haven't done any kind of motivational writing in a long time. That's because I've been looking for motivation myself. I haven't been able to inspire anyone because I've been looking for inspiration.
I've tried several times this year to write inspiring posts but every single time I try, I don't know what to write or where to start...how can you write words you no longer believe in?
I've had the most difficult year. I've had days when I wondered if it will ever get any better. I've been close to tears many times. I've searched for words to help me through difficult times. Sometimes I find it, sometimes I don't.
When people come to me with their problems; expecting me to tell them it will be alright - I just give them a blank stare. In my mind I'm thinking - Why don't you deal with your problems while I deal with mine?
But then yesterday I met a guy who said to me, "If I know for sure that there is heaven and I would go there if I died, I would have killed myself long ago".
Those words brought me back and helped me find my voice again. I sat with this guy for over an hour just talking to him...because somehow I was convinced in my heart that he meant those words.
He was in such a low place because of the way he's convinced life had dealt with him. He thinks he's a failure. He's never had anything he wanted or prayed for...he's not living the life he'd hoped for. He was better off dead he believed.
Not too many people are suicidal...but a lot of us don't like who we are, or where we are at.
I know I have thousands of readers; most of you come here for entertainment...so this post is obviously not for everyone. I want to reach out to the very few or very plenty out there who are at a very low place right now. People who think that they are FAILURES.
This is what I have to say to you.
You see some of us are born rich; some of us are born with talents, while some of us are just born 'lucky'. But no one, I repeat, no one is born a FAILURE. No one is born better than another. No human being on earth is better than YOU!
Yes, they've achieved. They are more beautiful. They are famous. They are married. They have kids. They have successful businesses. They have more respect.
Yes they have all that. So? What's that got to do with you? They are in their lives spiritual journey, face yours.
And in facing yours, all you need to do is TRY.
You want to get married - go out, meet people, ask friends to introduce you. When you find a potential, you try your best to make it work. If it does, great! If it doesn't - at least you tried.
If you want a job, apply as many times as you get the opportunity. If you get a good job, great! If you don't - at least you tried.
If you want your own business - start it. If it's successful, great! If it's not - at least you tried.
Trying is all that is expected of us. Do the best you can each day and leave the rest. And in doing your best, if you fail...it doesn't matter. Failing doesn't make you a failure. Failing should never be the issue. The issue is; did you try? Did you give it your best shot? Did you fight for it? As long as you gave it your best, nothing else matters.
So don’t you dare close your eyes at night and hate who you are.
Don’t you dare open it in the morning and question your purpose on earth
Calling yourself a failure is calling God a failure. Questioning your purpose on earth is questioning God’s purpose in your life. Stop it!
Also to stay sane you have to stop comparing yourself with other people. Comparing will only get you depressed or jealous or resentful. We are all on a journey to find something, to become something, to learn something. Our journey has nothing to do with how well other people are doing, or what they have. It shouldn't be our business. We should stop focusing on what other people are doing in their lives and focus on what we are doing. Instead of comparing, why don't you look at your strengths and see your true value. Celebrate yourself. Be proud of yourself. Failures and all.
So the next time you hear yourself saying negative or self-defeating things, stop and consider the truth of your circumstances. If you’re not doing your honest best, do something. If you are doing your best, celebrate it no matter the result and enjoy the contentment that follow.
If you give your best shot - and you fail - with a huge smile on your face - you should say, NEXT! :-).
And to hell with people who laugh at your failures or point it out. They can shove their opinions up their arses. :-)
Look up and lighten up. You are not a failure. Accept that and try to surround yourself with people who love you enough to accept your successes and your failures.
Let me reiterate - If you do the best you can...the best you can is good enough. I don't think God expects more from us - we shouldn't either.
There's so much I want to write, but words fail me too much these days...but I hope you picked up one or two things. If nothing I wrote above helped you in anyway then take this with you...It's helped me a lot.
You know they say in life it's turn by turn. Today it's Mr. A's turn, tomorrow its Mr. B's turn. Your turn is when God blesses you so much you can't count it all, or describe it. He blesses you so much you start to wonder if you deserve it. Well guess what? It hasn't reached your turn yet. God hasn't faced you yet. When He does...you will be so overwhelmed with joy you won't be able to stop crying. Let everyone around you ENJOY. It's their turn. Your turn is coming and it's coming soon.
You best believe that!
In this new month of November, may God grant you your hearts' desires. May He give you everything you need, everything you've hoped for, everything you've prayed for, everything you've given up on, but mostly every good thing you don't think you deserve.
And remember; strive to do your best, not to be the best.
God bless you all and have a great week ahead.
posted by sooyup