New York Post is saying that Beyonce's man, Jay Z may have done some corrupt dealings with the Governor of New York.
They say that Jay and the Governor and the Wall Street bankers at AIG decided to pull some kind of scam, where they would secretly grant themselves the exclusive rights to a new casino in New York.
Excerpts from the paper...
In early September, AEG Chairman Richard Mays approached Jay-Z through his business partners and asked whether he would be interested in joining the consortium -- which at the time ranked last among six bidders seeking the lucrative project. . .
"[NY Governor] Paterson directly told [Las Vegas businessman Steve] Wynn he needed to have a minority partner, so he went and got Jay-Z. But when Wynn pulled out, Jay-Z was without a home," a source told The Post.
"AEG went and grabbed Jay-Z after his deal with Steve Wynn fell through." AEG jumped at the chance to recruit Jay-Z, who has become increasingly close to Paterson, sources said. The two dined together in June and hung out in the Hamptons.'

AEG denies that it tapped the Hip-Hop heavyweight to win the governor's favor.
“Given [Jay-Z's] superstardom and his long and deep connection to New York, the partners thought he could bring a unique perspective to shaping a facility that would truly be an entertainment destination,” AEG spokesman Jonathan Rosen told the New York Post. “The partners were looking to bring in someone who could bring marketing and community advice to the team.”
A rep for Paterson also refuted the claims. “There is absolutely no relationship between Governor Paterson's friendship with Jay-Z and the choice of AEG.”
Jay Z is yet to comment on the issue.
Source: New York Post