posted by sooyup
One thing I've learned with the democrats is that EVERYTHING is propaganda. Everything is spin. In America you won't get an takeoover of the media because of the first ammendment. But what you WILL get is a willing media who believes in the ideals of a political orientation who will carry water for the communists trying to destroy america. Who refuse to cover events not friendly to their cause (like Tea Parties) and focus on others to create the reality in you, the voting public, in your mind so you vote the way they think you should and you see things the way they think you should.
Something I want to put to my readers is: everything you see Obama and the Democrats do - realize and see it as a propaganda opportunity for them.
Amazing how suddenly Obama is interested in winning the war in Afghanistan so he drops in on Air Force One yesterday to rally the troops saying "We're going to win!" and a YEAR LATER makes his FIRST Afghanistan trip. (Link here: Obama FINALLY goes to Afghanistan and wants to win )(I'm sorry but if I had to I would refuse to shake his hand or put a booger on it before I shook his hand if I was still in the service. Serving under Clinton was bad enough.)
Where was he on this when the surge was being suggested and he waited nearly a year before deciding to go ahead with it? Here's what he was doing: trying to decide whether winning, losing or just staying in the war was going to benefit him politically. And now, selling healthcare isn'g going to benefit him politically so he's going to switch topics.
When things get messy for them (like passing unpopular healthcare that the American people do NOT want) they change topics and suddenly want to win the war (to appeal to the people they think hate healthcare and assuming that the people who oppose healthcare support the war).