Gbenga Akinnagbe is a 32 year old Nigerian born American actor, best known for his role as Chris Partlow on the HBO original series The wire. He recently starred as Lorenzo, a neighborhood thug in Ice Cube’s new movie, ‘Lottery Ticket’. He's a cousin to rapper Wale
And he's very much single. He stated that clearly in a Bossip interview recently (Bossip interview? :-))
Bossip: You are obviously educated and ambitious… how about single? Are you in a relationship or reaping the benefits of your big screen debut?
Gbenga: (Laughing) I’m single. I’ve been concentrating on work, so guess I fell into the cliche of being too busy [for a relationship.] I consider my work building an empire so I dedicate a lot of time to it, but if there’s a pretty woman in a room I’m going to notice. I’m not dead.
No, you're not dead Mr Akinnagbe, you are just foine!!!
Please single ladies..take note, I spotted this one first oh. And I spotted him yesterday. You remember pastor Adefarasin said we singles ladies will meet out husbands, me I've seen my own o...goodluck finding yours...
LOL...Just kidding.
More of his interview when you...continue >>
And no, I'm not the model friend he's talking about...:-)

Bossip: Is it difficult to have a relationship in Hollyweird?
Gbenga: I have reservations about dating. I consider myself down to earth, but my bullsh*t detector is really sharp. I can spot people who have the wrong intentions right away. Recently, I got a call out of the blue from an old friend, a beautiful model who has obviously gotten by on her looks. Right off the bat, I knew what the call was about. She wanted to go out and she went right into business mode. She was willing to do whatever to get wherever. In this particular phone conversation it was like she didn’t even add fluff to it. That’s an insult.
Bossip: Now the ladies know what NOT to do. What does a woman have to do to get with you?
Gbebga: She has to be smart, kind, exciting and have a sense of global citizenry. It’s like, if you see yourself as a global citizen and understand the effect you have on others, you put the world ahead of yourself. I want someone who challenges me… not confronts me… but pushes me to be better. She should be beautiful inside and out.
If you want to know more about him...Google him baby...:-)