Imperial Guard for The Empire |
Watching the media freak out over Palin's bus tour is just HILARIOUS! (BTW - this is pathetic, prepare to have your IQ lowered a bit by listening to this guy report the "news" and whine about how unfair it is). Anyways, I keep hearing Palin refer to the media as the Lamestream Media. They are whining about how they don't know where she's going or on the tour or anything - and she's basically saying "let them do a bit of investigating, they can do some work and figure it out." HEAR HEAR! Maybe the media should be saying the same thing about Barry's Birth Certificate - and complaining he's never showed it to anyone.
So, I was thinking instead of referring to them as the Lamestream Media, since they are sooooo down with defending his Royal Highness Barak Hussein Obama - maybe we should call them the Palace Guards or the Imperial Guard or something. But wayyyyyyyyy less competent.
Here's a video of Sarah Palin as an Oriental Badass taking on a bunch of the media, played by guys in brown gees.
And here's a fun lego movie of the skills of the imperial guards.