I heard handsome actor, Owen Wilson tried to kill himself on Sunday August 26th 2007. He had slit his left wrist and consumed an unknown quantity or unspecified pills. He's presently recovering in a hospital in Beverly Hills. I found it hard to believe initially because he looked like a happy person to me. This got me thinking, it's not everyone you see who looks happy that is really happy. People manage to hide their innermost pain and fear and put up a brave front for the world...later you hear they killed or tried to kill themselves. Why would anyone, for whatever reasons try to kill themselves? How bad could it be? Why would you want to end it all? I'm trying to understand the kind of mentality that would allow someone think it's ok to take his/her life...what kind of pain will cause such thoughts and action? I remember some years ago in Lagos when a husband and wife killed themselves via poison, because they were evicted from the one thousand and four complex on Ozumba Mbadiwe, Victoria Island, leaving their three young kids to the care of their family members. There have been a few incidents like that in some parts of Nigeria...I just can't seem to fathom such irrational behaviour. Some people, like myself, are so scared of dying, while others go out of their way to end it all? I understand homosexuality..sorta, but I don't understand suicide.
Here's a doctor's take on why people commit suicide
People attempt and sometimes commit suicide for very different reasons, many of which can be difficult to figure out or identify. In most cases, the person is feeling emotional pain that feels so bad and hurts them so much that the only thing they can think of to make it go away is to end their life.
Also most suicidal people describe their problems as being something that they don't think will get better or go away. At the same time, others feel as if they are a burden. Others feel alone or very isolated.
Still others just feel generally depressed to the point of not caring anymore. And when friends and family members can't understand or relate, or worse, criticize them for what they are feeling, that can make the person worse. I should also mention that there are many mental illnesses that can increase one's risk for suicide such as clinical depression, bipolar or manic depression and schizophrenia.
People with these conditions may do things that they wouldn't normally do. Speaking of which, alcohol and drug use also contributes to the reasons someone may attempt suicide since they can cause depression, feelings of guilt and disruptions to the persons family and life.
Anyone ever had suicidal feelings?
To other news...
Singer, Gloria Estafan will be 50 years old tomorrow September 1st 2007. Can anyone believe this diva is 50? I would have passed her up for a 40 year old. Happy birthday to the woman who sang one of my all time best songs...'Reach' It's such a relief to hear that Toni Braxton does not have breast cancer after all. International media, over the past few days, carried unconfirmed reports of the songstress being diagnosed with breast cancer. Toni says it's not true. Thank God!
Naked Mariah Carey...who wants to see her naked? I do! She looks hot abeg!
I feel you on that one Alicia
Akon is such an evasive fellow....here's an interview he granted recently...crazy guy! lol
Is she OK with you being unfaithful to her?
Do you remember your first experience with alcohol?
Why not?
What’s the best advice your parents ever gave you?
You didn’t take that advice!
Even when you lifted a fan over your head and threw him offstage in June?

Princess Diana's tenth year anniversary
Princess Diana died exactly 10 years today in a car accident in France...