I did it, I did it, I did it! So yesterday, I shot the first and second episode of my TV programme...it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped but we managed to get it done...I'll get you pictures of what went down. !
Meanwhile, the girl in the middle, Ashley Abanum, was the winner of the first episode and another model called Yewande won the second episode...will load pix later
Be there!
And here's introducing 19 year old Mulenga Mubanga, a young Zambian Model taking the modeling industry by storm
Age 19, hip 89cm, height 1.76m, bust 84m, waist 61cm, shoe size 8
Check out her website at, http://www.mulengamubanga.com/
Here are pictures from the Nigerian Fashion week courtesy purefoto.com

The organiser, Lexxy Mojo Eyes

I hope they keep this up
And here's introducing Ndu
Introducing one of Canada's best kept secrets, Ndu and the release of his album, the TWILIGHT. Canada's/Nigeria's own independent hip hop artist NDU's latest release features hard hitting and lyrically rich tracks such as "Coming for the Crown" "Turn Me Up" "Everyday Thang" "Lil Poetry" etc.
The Twilight was produced by Ndu himself and Canadian Producer Andrew Mackay. The Track "Lil Poetry" has Ndu ripping the mic like a hungry new comer and showcases a man of wide ranging tastes. Ndu's jazzy tunes and great lyrical component leaves the crowd screaming for more.
"Ndu" which means "LIFE" in the Igbo Language, is known for his diverse lyrical style, intelligent rhymes and stage presence and is sure to bring LIFE into the entertainment industry.
His style has been influenced by wide range of artists such as Fela, Nas, Tu-Pac, Erykah Badu Notorious BIG and more.
Ndu has performed in numerous events including the Nigerian Award Show Event in Canada, Ndu's great talent has generated a buzz in Canada's underground hip hop scene.
The Twilight was produced by Ndu himself and Canadian Producer Andrew Mackay. The Track "Lil Poetry" has Ndu ripping the mic like a hungry new comer and showcases a man of wide ranging tastes. Ndu's jazzy tunes and great lyrical component leaves the crowd screaming for more.
"Ndu" which means "LIFE" in the Igbo Language, is known for his diverse lyrical style, intelligent rhymes and stage presence and is sure to bring LIFE into the entertainment industry.
His style has been influenced by wide range of artists such as Fela, Nas, Tu-Pac, Erykah Badu Notorious BIG and more.
Ndu has performed in numerous events including the Nigerian Award Show Event in Canada, Ndu's great talent has generated a buzz in Canada's underground hip hop scene.
Performing at the Lloyd banks concer
Fela Anikulapo Kuti death anniversary press release
Fela Anikulapo Kuti death anniversary press release
This year marks the 10th year anniversary of the death of the founder of Afro beat, Fela Kuti and it is being celebrated in his homecountry, Nigeria in a very big way. Poet, Philosopher, Rebel, King,Fela meant a lot of things to different people and was a man of thepeople. This event will celebrate his music, his life, and all themany truths he shared with his fans in his music and his life.While there are several events planned around the world, by variousorganizations, to mark the 10-year anniversary of Fela's death,FELABRATION 10 will be the only one taking place in Nigeria, at theShrine in Lagos (Fela's spiritual home) and hosted by the Kuti family.FELABRATION will be the only authentic, all-encompassing event to markthe life and death of one of the world?s truly original artists. The event which has been tagged "FELABRATION 10" is a 5-daycelebration of Fela's life, music and spirit holds from the 9th-16thof October 2007. The events scheduled include:? Tue October 9th: World Movie Premiere of the previously unreleasedspecial movie of Fela ?Shuffering and Shmiling? and Kick Off Partyfeaturing celebrity DJ, Koffi? Wed October10th: Ladies Night. A day dedicated to the ladies tocelebrate Fela featuring special performances by frontline Nigerianfemale artists such as Zeal, Sasha, Niyola, Asa and many more.? Thursday October 11th: Classics and Yabis night featuring Veteranartists like Fatai Rolling Dollars and Victor Olaiya with acecomedians, Basket Mouth, Tee A and Julius Agwu handling the Yabisspecial. (Don?t forget Baba inspired most of the frontline comediansas a grand Yabis Master himself)? Friday October12th: Fela is Hip Hop featuring International hip hopartist, Nas as well as top Nigerian hip hop stars such as Mode 9,Ikechukwu, Naeto C, Thoroughbreds and Lord of Ajasa have already beenconfirmed to celebrate Fela, the hip hop way! (More to come)? Saturday October 13th: Block Party. All roads lead to the Shrine fora Street Party featuring Damian Marley and most of the big names inNigeria?s music industry.? Sunday October 14th: Fashion for Fela by award winning designer,Deola Sagoe featuring International models Oluchi, Agbani and Nnennaamongst many others. This will be followed by special performances byFemi and Seun Kuti.? Monday October 15th: All day Free feeding at the Shrine by theUnited Nations World Food Project (UNWFP)? Tuesday October 16th: Music Business Conference. The conference willbe held in honor of Fela with an aim to elevate the Nigerian musicindustry. The event will join major businesses, major players in theindustry as well as International resource people. Issues such aspiracy, distribution, broadcast, new technologies, internationalmarkets, regional markets, corporate support, the power of music to drive youth marketing and brands will be dealt with.
And here's the Koko master, D'banj, at a concert in the US
And here's the Koko master, D'banj, at a concert in the US