This stunning woman came to see me today. Great skin, legs, shape, lovely face etc...I initailly thought she was a few years older than me...boy was I turned out she's in her early fourties...incredibly young looking!
What is her secret for looking so young I ask her...what she eats, drinks, exercise and peace of mind she says! Really? I thought it was just nature!
Here are pics of women still looking great at over 40. I used pics of 'oyibos' 'cos I don't have access to pics of our Naija women...
Check them out...
Age: 70
Age: 52
Age: 78
Age: 57
Age: 52

Sharon Stone
Age: 49

Jane Seymour
Age: 56
Age: 40

Helen Mirren
Age: 62

Jerry Hall
Age: 51

Demi Moore
Age: 44
Age: 41
Calista Flockhart
Age: 42
Andie MacDowell
Age: 49

Michelle Pfeiffer
Age: 49
Here also are some gadgets to almost die for...especially for the guys...
Here also are some gadgets to almost die for...especially for the guys...

Seiko instruments Bluetooth watch
The watch connects to your mobile phone (via Bluetooth of course) and displays important information on its face. The display shows you that little envelope indicating that you’ve received a new message, and then can also reveal who sent it and the message subject.
The watch connects to your mobile phone (via Bluetooth of course) and displays important information on its face. The display shows you that little envelope indicating that you’ve received a new message, and then can also reveal who sent it and the message subject.

Cordless "Cube" 2.4GHz Speakerphone with MP3 Player
The imaginative design of this phone is so novel that it takes a few seconds, at first glance, to get to the inevitable, "Wow! That's a phone? I love it!" The cordless 2.4GHz speakerphone is just 3 1/4-inches cubed and barely over 11 ounces, perfect for countertop, desktop or bedside table
The imaginative design of this phone is so novel that it takes a few seconds, at first glance, to get to the inevitable, "Wow! That's a phone? I love it!" The cordless 2.4GHz speakerphone is just 3 1/4-inches cubed and barely over 11 ounces, perfect for countertop, desktop or bedside table

Dixie chopper Xtreme
Okay, so it won't be everybodies ideal gadget but the Dixie Chopper Xtreme is the world’s fastest lawnmower. It has a 990cc engine with the capability to mow grass at 15mph.If you've got a garden big enough (and a fair amount of spare cash) it could well be worth the £5000 to keep your lawn trim.
Okay, so it won't be everybodies ideal gadget but the Dixie Chopper Xtreme is the world’s fastest lawnmower. It has a 990cc engine with the capability to mow grass at 15mph.If you've got a garden big enough (and a fair amount of spare cash) it could well be worth the £5000 to keep your lawn trim.

The Logitech G7 laser cordless mouse delivers extreme cordless performance for all your gaming needs.Customize your mouse with advanced features such as game detection and adjustable sensitivity. The programmable tilt wheel adds an unprecedented level of control and gaming power.

Samsung 8MP phone
At the moment 8megapixel digicams are still the preserve of 'serious' photographers. But with phones such as Samsung's SPH-V800 due to be released everyone will be able to capture snaps good enough to splash over a magazine page.
At the moment 8megapixel digicams are still the preserve of 'serious' photographers. But with phones such as Samsung's SPH-V800 due to be released everyone will be able to capture snaps good enough to splash over a magazine page.

Toshiba HD-DVD player
The world is about to go crazy for HD.HD stands for High Definition and is reckoned to give you clearer images than ever before.
The world is about to go crazy for HD.HD stands for High Definition and is reckoned to give you clearer images than ever before.

Designed by a NASA scientists, the Robosapien is simple enough for kids and advanced enough for adults. Features include real, multi-speed fast dynamic walking, running and turning and fast, full function arms with two types of grippers

The Lego design is unique in the hard drive world and was designed by Ora-Ito to allow you to stack multiple drives on your desktop. The Brick is a USB 2.0 only hard drive, with a max interface speed of 480Mbits/second.

The Cowon A2 is a sleek, attractive, and all-encompassing portable video player with video-recording capability.It possesses a bright, crisp 4-inch wide-screen LCD as well as a clean, visually appealing form factor and interface.
Like our Naijagal always says...what do you say?