Hi people, hope y'all are doing great. I'm doing so so well and anxiously waiting for the release of my mag's 4th edition. The printers say it will be ready in a week or so...will let y'all know when that happens.
Meanwhile I got this email from an Ure Akuma, who wrote a letter to Senator Eme Ekaette of Akwa-Ibom State about a bill being sponsored by her, titled, Nudity Bill. She wants me to share the letter with the thousands of you who come to this blog, hoping to garner enough interest to get this bill stopped.
I've read the letter and I think the more people that read it, the better, because people might understand how dangerous this bill is and do something about it.
Here's the letter...
Senator Ekaette,
Please permit me to speak with you woman to woman. I have a few truths to tell you, about the Indecent Dressing Bill you are sponsoring, and I hope that you listen.
We are living in the 21st century, and in this day and age, it is reprehensible that you would try to dictate what women should wear in a society that is supposed to be democratic and free.
Have you forgotten what happened at the U.N assembly when you attempted to present this bill to them? Have you forgotten so soon the comments from the other ambassadors? Especially the ambassador from Jamaica?
Do you really believe that enforcing this bill will lessen harassment and sexual assault? Have you heard of the “decently” dressed girls being harassed by lecturers?
Are you now seeking to absolve men of their crimes of rape? I am disappointed that this type of thinking comes from a fellow woman.
Are you now seeking to absolve men of their crimes of rape? I am disappointed that this type of thinking comes from a fellow woman.
The men do not hold any responsibility for their crimes? They cannot control themselves?
Rather than trying to pass this bill, YOU OUGHT TO BE WORKING ON A PUNISHMENT FOR THE MEN WHO COMMIT THIS HEINOUS CRIME! You ought to let them know that they are the bane of the society and you, as a woman, should NOT be victimizing the victims. Put a stiff punishment and ACTUALLY CARRY OUT THE PUNISHMENT, and let’s see what happens.
When the men know there is a consequence to their actions, no matter their stature or status in the community, I assure you, what women wear will no longer matter
In case you are so far removed from the masses, I want to let you know that you have put all females at risk with this bill you are trying to pass.
In Aba, Abia State, thugs have taken advantage of this unfortunate situation and are stripping girls of their clothes in public.
THEY HOLD GIRLS DOWN AND TEAR OFF THEIR JEANS, claiming that the directive from Abuja states girls should no longer wear trousers.
And when they tear off the clothes from these girls, what do you think happens next? I’ll leave that up to your imagination
In Aba, Abia State, thugs have taken advantage of this unfortunate situation and are stripping girls of their clothes in public.
THEY HOLD GIRLS DOWN AND TEAR OFF THEIR JEANS, claiming that the directive from Abuja states girls should no longer wear trousers.
And when they tear off the clothes from these girls, what do you think happens next? I’ll leave that up to your imagination
Senator Ekaette, are there no good causes for women that you can champion?
I have a few that you can take up:
Instituting counseling and help for victims of rape
Encouraging women to come forward when they have been assaulted and PROVIDING HELP to the victims
Working on removing the stigma of rape
The trafficking of girls to Europe for prostitution
Institute and implement STRICT PUNISHMENT for rapists and sexual harassers
The plight of women being regarded as second class citizens
The plight of children in Nigeria, have you seen the children under the bridge? (Have you seen these children begging on the streets? I am very sure you have seen them, that is, if your escorts and convoy does not run them over)
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE THAT I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO LOOK INTO CHAMPIONING – HAVE YOU HEARD OF VESICO VAGINAL FISTULA (VVF)? This is a cause being spearheaded by Ms. Stephanie Okereke, please contact her and work with her on this most worthy cause.
I have a few that you can take up:
Instituting counseling and help for victims of rape
Encouraging women to come forward when they have been assaulted and PROVIDING HELP to the victims
Working on removing the stigma of rape
The trafficking of girls to Europe for prostitution
Institute and implement STRICT PUNISHMENT for rapists and sexual harassers
The plight of women being regarded as second class citizens
The plight of children in Nigeria, have you seen the children under the bridge? (Have you seen these children begging on the streets? I am very sure you have seen them, that is, if your escorts and convoy does not run them over)
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CAUSE THAT I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO LOOK INTO CHAMPIONING – HAVE YOU HEARD OF VESICO VAGINAL FISTULA (VVF)? This is a cause being spearheaded by Ms. Stephanie Okereke, please contact her and work with her on this most worthy cause.
Were you not aware that babies as young as 12 years old are being forced into early marriages and are being raped by men old enough to be their grand-fathers? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT THAT SENATOR EKAETTE?
If you do not achieve anything else in your life, let this be the one thing that you will be remembered for in Nigeria.
Contact Ms. Stephanie Okereke, and help the young girls and women who are suffering from this.
If you do not achieve anything else in your life, let this be the one thing that you will be remembered for in Nigeria.
Contact Ms. Stephanie Okereke, and help the young girls and women who are suffering from this.
Madam Senator, you MUST STOP THIS BILL, you must drop this bill and focus on the issues that are important to the Nigerian woman and child.
It appears I am in an alternative universe where this would be the news headline and stories in major newspapers:
It appears I am in an alternative universe where this would be the news headline and stories in major newspapers:
Fellow Nigerians!
It gives me great pleasure to note that all the MINOR issues and problems we experience in this great nation have been totally taken care of.
Minor problems that average citizens like you and I experience, problems that the Nigerians in authority and power never experience.
Minor problems like:
No working electricity,
No clean water,
No jobs for graduates,
No salaries being paid to the teachers who are supposed to educate the next generation
No education system in place for our children
No health care for the masses
Poor living conditions
Extremely bad roads
The problems in the Niger Delta
The lack of rules and laws in Nigeria
The country’s abject poverty
It gives me great pleasure to note that all the MINOR issues and problems we experience in this great nation have been totally taken care of.
Minor problems that average citizens like you and I experience, problems that the Nigerians in authority and power never experience.
Minor problems like:
No working electricity,
No clean water,
No jobs for graduates,
No salaries being paid to the teachers who are supposed to educate the next generation
No education system in place for our children
No health care for the masses
Poor living conditions
Extremely bad roads
The problems in the Niger Delta
The lack of rules and laws in Nigeria
The country’s abject poverty
Yes my fellow Nigerians, I am very pleased to announce that these MINOR issues have been resolved.
This has left us free to focus on the really monumental major issues like the Honourable Senator Ekaette’s Indecent Dressing Bill. Senator Ekaette has single-handedly solved the minor issues in Nigeria, and must now focus on being the moral police that Nigeria so desperately needs.
This has left us free to focus on the really monumental major issues like the Honourable Senator Ekaette’s Indecent Dressing Bill. Senator Ekaette has single-handedly solved the minor issues in Nigeria, and must now focus on being the moral police that Nigeria so desperately needs.
Indeed, the Senate must congratulate themselves for a job well done in taking care of Nigeria’s minor issue as listed above. They must also clap Sen. Ekaette on the back for attempting to take Nigeria back to the cave days, and take us back to a dictatorship.
Unfortunately this is not the case. This imaginary news story must never come to pass. The real world we do live in will be more dangerous for all Nigerians, if you continue with this bill
You, Senator Ekaette, have put ALL Nigerian females in jeopardy, at risk with this bill and I wonder how well you sleep at night. I hope you hear the cries and feel the pain of the very people you are supposed to protect but have put in harm’s way.
Ure Akuma
Richmond, VA
Ure Akuma
Richmond, VA
What do you guys think about this nudity bill? Crazy or crazy? And how do we stop this woman?
Miracle Accident
Meanwhile here's an Audi RS 6 S/wagon Twin turbo V8 @ 250km/h in an accident.
Driver got out, walked away and called emergency on his phone. Take note - this is one car not two!!! Scroll down

If the guy driving this car didn't believe in God before this accident happened, he probably did afterwards.
So what do you guys have to say about the BILL???