Like I wrote a couple of days ago, I want to bring new stuff to this blog. If you all have noticed I don’t do much of fashion, mostly because I’m not particularly an expert in that field. I would answer any modeling question in my sleep, but fashion is another matter. I mean, I can tell you if you look good or not in a dress, but I’ll probably not be able to tell you why. I can’t go into the nitty gritty of fashion.
But because I’m working on a project that will require a lot of dressing up, I’ve been reading a lot on fashion and style... in fashion mags and online fashion blogs.
Today I want to talk about shorts. I love shorts, but I don’t wear them, mostly ‘cos there’s nowhere to wear them to. But I love seeing people in shorts. I went online to find out the best ways to wear shorts and here's what I found. If you love shorts...this is for you...check it out!
The best ways to wear shorts
Most commonly asked questions: Can you wear heels with shorts? What about boots? How long should your top be? How do you avoid looking like trailer trash?
You have your answers...

Check out how some celebs wear their shorts...
Now check out different ways you can wear shorts

1. Go bright. If you're daring enough try a pair of hot pants in a bright colour to add a vibrant and young twist to your outfit.

You get anaemia when you don't have enough red blood cells. This makes it difficult for your blood to carry oxygen, causing unusual tiredness and other symptoms.
The number of red blood cells can drop if there is:
a reduction in the number of red blood cells produced
an increase in the loss of red blood cells.
*Eat a varied, well-balanced diet that contains foods from all the food groups (protein, carbohydrate, fat, fruit, vegetables).
*Good sources of iron include liver, beef, wholemeal bread, cereals, eggs and dried fruit.
*If you often get heavy periods, it's a good idea to seek medical advice because you may be at risk of anaemia.
*If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, talk to your doctor about iron supplements.
See your GP immediately if you notice blood in your stools or urine.
Based on a text by Dr Flemming Anderson.
Now to beauty...check out pictures from the recently staged MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT, which held in Nassau, Bahamas...