I am going to stay on Caroline's case on this blog for a while...until I know help has come. I got a mail from her husband and I thought you all should read it. Plus more info on how Caroline is currently doing and how you can contribute financially...
Hi Linda,
I am Tony Johnson: (Caroline Johnson’s Husband). I have been through your blog and comments and I am so happy that you guys have us in prayers.

I wish that every one who reads this would help with at least N10, 000 and in a short while we will hit the target to quickly evacuate her from Nigeria to India please do not look at the huge amount as that will scare u, just as little as u have will go a long way.
I honestly hope that by midweek we can consider to fly her out if we can raise about 50% of the total cost.
A lot of people want to know how to get money to me from UK and USA. Please kindly feel free to call me on 08023139587 and email me on tonyjohnson@savecarolinejohnson.com.
I am currently arranging for an easier and faster way to receiving your support from abroad. But if you mail me I will tell you how to go about it.
For the Nigerian account no. we have set aside a GT BANK account a trust account under our church 'save Caroline Johnson' as the account name and the account no. is 206179570-110. The church's name is 'The Potter's House Christian fellowship church. (please see letter)
For more clarity please call me.I sincerely hope that you all get to read this.
Tony johnson.
This woman deserves to live. Please let's give her another chance. Just N10, 000, that's all she's asking...please, please.