Sexting pair arrested in dubai

posted by sooyup

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 A 47 year old Indian man and a 42 year old Indian woman, who worked as cabin crew for Emirates airline, have been sentenced to three months in jail for sexual content found on their cell phones, otherwise known as sexting.

The conviction said the sexual content of the texts suggested the unnamed pair planned to "commit sin" – a reference to an extramarital affair, which is illegal in the United Arab Emirates.

The court ruling said there was not enough evidence to determine whether the couple had an affair, which would have likely brought a harsher sentence.

The text messages surfaced in a divorce lawsuit by the woman's estranged husband.


Three months in jail for sending flirty text messages? A little harsh. But then their law is their law...
Imagine if they had a law like that in Naija, how many of us go don land in jail? Lol.
What does SMH and LWKMD mean by the way?

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