Okay - so the republicans are in power in this country.
Our media refuses to cover that our house of representatives voted to repeal obamacare - the Senate Leader refuses to let it come up for a vote - our republicans have proposed to slash our budget by $100Billion - and the media won't cover it. It's cover-your-assets-time for the democrats - they are already running up to 2012 and know if they do ANYTHING so much as fart wrong - it's going to cause a stink. (Don't most farts?) So! There's really not a lot to write about. Just waiting for the R's to undo the evil machinations of the D's - you know? There just comes a time when "common sense" has to prevail - and we are waiting for that. So in the meantime - my political commentary is somewhat lacking.SO - in the meantime - I really don't have the energy to waste on stupidity - there's only so much you can say about it.
And you - my enlightened readers - have better things to do that waste time on stupidity.
Obama's an idiot! Evil too! And not born in the US. And is a liar! And hates America! Is a terrorist sympathizer and is clueless and a fraud and facade! There - that should get us through until 2012 when Romney wins the White House.
In the meantime - I've put a picture here to hearken our minds back to the movie "Titanic" with a bit of a twist which is about as intelligent as our president.
I did jack up the slide on my Marlin .444 though - I think I'm going to have to take that to a gunsmith though. That thing is more like shooting a small artillery round or something. Ah well - maybe another day!