You know - that's nice and all - poor taste and everything - but I don't think it's going to bring down America. If that's all you can do is squander your 15 minutes of fame to play a song in someone's house that sings about how you hate them and hope someone recognizes it and you get excited and snigger about it in the locker room- I mean - that's so facebook or junior high. I always knew were superior to the commies - morally, intellectually, technologically - you name it and this just shows it again - never mind about everything good in the world has come primarily from Western Civilization while the claim they invented gunpowder and the Muslims claim they invented Arabic numerals which actually came from India.
Besides - we don't have time to write, know or understand propaganda songs in the U.S. They are meaningless to us. While the Chinese and Koreans and other commies sit around singing about how great they are, the Americans are actually out kicking some ass and liberating countries and really doing something good in the world. Songs are for loser regimes who have nothing else going for them. So is communist socialism. Though I imagine Obama knew the tune.....probably sang it in college. I'm sure we'll see camera footage of him tapping his foot to it and singing the words somewhere sometime.
You'd think they'd be happy though - here's our Kenyan-in-Chief bending over yet again to kiss some commie leader's ass or smoke his whatever - I thought Obama was going to fix all this for us. I thought everyone was going to love us when he became pres. Either he lied - or the world is a little more complicated than the obamabots think or the democrat media isn't telling us the full story