New York Repeals Law of Gravity!

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New Yorkers Celebrating the Repeal
New York bravely Legalizes the ignorance of the laws of gravity!   Thousands of Gravity-Denying New Yorkers in celebration jumped off the Empire State Building to celebrate the repeal and....well....the rest is history.

Okay, actually they legalized gay marriage.  It is now "The Same" and "equal" to "heterosexual marriage" - or is it just...."marriage"?

I wish I had something wittier to say, but the short of it is, it's not equal.

I'm wondering in our constitutional sense, where gay-marriage,

forms a more perfect union
establishes justice
ensures domestic tranquility
provides for the common defense
promote the general welfare
and secures the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Yes, everything's the same....nothing's different....yet its all diverse as well....diversely the same....

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