Nigerian Football Federation Kicks Women Off Team For Being Lesbian

posted by sooyup

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I don't know if you guys have heard, but it seems the Nigerian Football Federation have been conducting a witch-hunt to find lesbians in the national team and ban them from playing in the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup which kicks off tomorrow June 26 in Germany. The team's coach recently bragged to the New York Times that she has dealt with 'the big problem' of lesbianism in her team.

This is so uncool and FIFA needs to do something about it. What has their sexual preference got to do with their game? And how in the world did they expect not to find lesbians in a sports like football? It's like expecting to find only straight men in ballet.
Wow, nice line Linda, you can be smart sometimes you know. Sometimes? Beach pls!

You! Yes you! I know what you are thinking...NO, I'm not a I'm speaking against it because discrimination of any kind is wrong!

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