Politically Incorrect Stab.....

posted by sooyup on ,

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Well, if this one doesn't have my father in law never wanting to read my blog again, I don't know what will.

But anyways, I saw this on www.grouchyoldcripple.com.  It reminded me of something I might have heard in the back country down south.

I have friends who's families were there for the civil war in India and they too tell a different story of Islam than the media and the Islamists would have us believe about them.   History is what it is.  By their fruits ye shall know them.  That in mind, there is good and bad - but where is the voice speaking out against all of this if Islam isn't all the bad things it also does?

On the one hand though, I do know there's a lot of ignorance about Islam - and I don't think that stoking religious bigotry is a very Christlike thing to do - on the other hand, I do think what we're told about Islam just isn't true.....

I guess I just put this up as a counterpoint view.... and a catchy tune to get stuck in your head....

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