HEAR NOW: the news!

posted by sooyup

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U.S. Navy SEAL Petty Officer cleared in Iraq Abuse Case.  Hooyah for him!  I'd have stood up to a court martial if I was innocent as well.  I was a military police officer for my shore duty for a few years and I did handle refugees and detainees and fought with I don't know how many of both of those as well as handled the routine domestic violence that seems to acompany military service while dodging butcher knives, punches and handling the ocassional hostage situation or even a hijacked aircraft....I don't condone the beating of an enemy simply because they are the enemy UNLESS it helps me accomplish the mission - I won't play armchair quarterback to those who stand on the line like some congressional idiot who's never served *coughREID* or some officer who sat in congress *coughMURTHA* (I can say that man's death was a service to our country - respectfully) or some idiot journalist who thinks they can scientifically calculate exactly the amount of force to be used with a cutesy little chart that shows you when its to be used and who think that death is just something that happens on TV.   You know, while I hate Pelosi, she was in favor of waterboarding before she was against it......

OBAMA GETTING SUBPOENAD FOR BLAGOVICH CASE.  Remember Blagovich - who allegedly promised bribes for congressional seats or something like that?  WHO CARES WHAT ITS ABOUT!!?  OBAMA IS GETTING SUBPOENAD!!! ABOUT TIME SOMETHING OR SOMEONE TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO!!!!  I hope they don't ask him stupid questions that a 5th grader can answer.  Or I hope they treat him like a 5th grader.  I hope he's not allowed to use his teleprompter to answer questions while he's on the witness stand.  I hope he's implicated and charged and they ask for his birth certificate as a form of ID before he goes in the courtroom.   I don't care.  It's just nice to see this idiot liar president have to account for something for once under oath.

A CLOSET HETEROSEXUAL OUTED IN CITY ELECTION!!!  Don't you hate it when you pretend you're bi and then people find out you're not?  Maybe if he pretended he was black and from Kenya and would make all your dreams come true.....this is just over the top for me.....wow.....it's AMERICA! Anyone can run and win - but apparently if you're straight you're underqualified for THIS election.  You just don't know the things a bi-guy would know that make you qualified to handle the affairs of a city where the bi-knowledge would really help you better understand every aspect of the city.....

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