Um....Obamanomics doesn't work.....

posted by sooyup on ,

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How much money did Obama make last year?  $5M?  Okay - yeah - that's just rough. 

Y'all - this has NOTHING to do with fairness.  Every single communist revolution has had to do with fairness and ended up in misery.  Since communism is so well known it has to be disguised in this instance.  Evil is always disguised as good.  And both sides claim to be good or the best....duh! 

So what happens if we take the money out of the hands of the private citizen?  Who has the money and the control then? 


And THEN who gets ahead and gets the money? 

Those that are friends to the government.

Seriously y'all - this guy is more dangerous than anything this country has seen.

Honestly, in terms of christian values, one of the ten commandments would avail us of what this guy is selling us: The Tenth Commandment.  Thou Shalt Not Covet.  Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors (horse), thy neighbor's wife or anything that is thy neighbors.

However, this guy is selling to people who covet what another has.

Rather than getting it for themselves - he's taking it from those who've earned it fairly (Thou shalt not steal). Rather than teaching them to fish for themselves, he's teaching them to rely on handouts from the government.

We have a LOT of Native American museums here in Oregon.  One theme that is rampant through them all was the U.S. Government sought to destroy the natives' culture and ability to resist the government by making them reliant on the government for their every need.  By giving them handouts and preventing them from living their culture they became unable to resist the government, needed it and became essentially complacent slaves.  Indian welfare was the destruction of the Native Americans. And now Obama is trying to do it to the Africans in this country while telling them they will get ahead when actually it only solidifies his power while he preys on racial pride, division and ignorance that is the product of American school systems.

It isn't charity when it is taken from someone and given to another against their will.

And in regards to charity, this country and its citizens give more per-capita to charity than any other nation on earth outside of government welfare. 

So what happens to all the charity in this country when the government taxes it all to death? 

It dries up!

And then what programs survive?  Well - the ones that are sponsored by the government.

And THEN that leaves people who rely on charity or what's left of it begging from the government.

Does anyone remember when the democrats were saying "The government that is powerful enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything."  And what about "those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" ?  Anyone remember that? 

Amazing how quickly slogans are set aside to suit the political winds.

You know this is where John Adams said our constitution was suited to a religious and moral people and is wholly inadequate for any other - the constitution works so long as people choose to live right on their own of their own accord.  When you get to the point where people have to be told every single thing to do and rely on others to make the decision for them, either because they are incapable or DEEMED incapable - freedom is lost.

This man is the enemy to freedom.

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