Oh so now it doesn't apply......

posted by sooyup on

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A-10 firing an AGM (Air Ground Missile) 65 Maverick Missile
Earlier, Obama declared that he didn't need congressional permission to be in Libya engaged in war because he's already been talking with them and briefing them on it all this time.  Now, the war is so small that the war powers clause of the US constitution doesn't apply and therefore he doesn't need to ask permission.

Spoken like a true sociopath.

So....which is it?   I don't know about you, but if I had one of these things coming down on my house, I'd take that as an act of war...especially given that one of these is more firepower than was had by an entire batallion in wars passed....how big does it have to be?

 Shame to think of brave Americans being sent into harm's way just to gratify a man's ego against the congress and his flailings against his ever-rising unpopularity.

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