The Devil's Double - (R) - Movie Trailer

posted by sooyup on

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There's four types of movies I really like:
CIA movies
FBI movies
Mafia movies
Movies like "Dumb and Dumber" or "Liar Liar."

Not that I've ever been a mafia - I do know what it's like to have people wet their pants when I show up - to have that.....power.

And to want more.

And to be infuriated when their knees don't quake enough when you're about to let them have it......and to look at someone and see them look at you and know you have the upper hand.  To see inside a soul while you say "you or me" with your finger on the trigger....that moment.  When you decide.  Wanting to pull it.  Waiting.  Wanting.  Feeling the rush.  And the faster things moved, the calmer I became.....everything in slow motion.

Anyways, not that I'm in favor of depravity, it leaves me feeling empty and conflicted.....but its a rush when it happens...and yet I couldn't help but try to remind myself that was a human being and that I would be judged one day for what happened....and yet feeling myself separate from my weapons and yet feel like they were a part of me....everything in slow motion.

I don't think I have the patience to screw with people's minds like this - but wanting and wanting more and having so much I can say from experience makes you only want more and like what you have less and less.

Anyways, this looked sweet for a movie - I might actually go watch this one.

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