I Know What I Saw 2011 - History Channel Documentary

posted by sooyup on

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I remember this.....the AZ governor with the masks....lol.....anyways, yes, I remember the report of something huge coming up over the city.  The ones that are interesting are where the military expresses interest....and the ones that are really interesting is where the military is apparently in denial about it.

I did see a plan for a propulsion - don't know that you could actually call it propulsion as in propelling - pushing - but that would actually make incredible speeds possible without sound - interstellar speeds - capitalizing on theories of relativity of speed, space and time that I think could work actually.

Interestingly though, to me, is all these UFO's have the same capability - to travel noiselessly and hover....so long as I don't suffer interstellar date-rape where they fly across 20 galaxies just to look up my bum and then dump me feeling drugged on a highway to be ridiculed and smelling like alcohol....I'm fine with it all.

Anyways, fun stuff....

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