Slow down you Kenyan weasel....slow down slim.....

posted by sooyup on

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Hear me out on this one.  Seriously.  Gimme 3 minutes or so on this. 

Okay - so the Obama Regime Dictatorship Empire Kingship CommunistParty Grand Exalted Leader Administration Regime (it fits) is up in the air over delaying the Obamacare law being heard by the supreme court AFTER the 2012 elections, because if it is deemed unconstitutional it will be damning to his re-election prospects (Like anyone's gonna vote for 10% unemployment again - they did the first time around when he said "To get my plans to work we're looking at a peak of 8% unemployment" who the frick would vote for that???? Apparently....millions of idiot and ignorant Americans would and did).

Okay - but here's the thing.  If Obama's so sure of this thing, why not have it heard now?  Why is he afraid of the courts?

I thought this thing was a slam dunk, everyone wanted it - never mind 26 out of 50 states (25 is half - 26 is more than half the states) have now actually SUED the federal government to have this undone (while the federal government sues Arizona over immigration).

Not counties.
Not cities.
Not senators.
Not people.
Not politicians.
Not representatives.


Here's the other problem.  If it's NOT struck down, with his popularity in the toilet, you've got someone like Romney running who's already campaigned on "Obamacare's dead the day I take office" - so this thing's got a snowball's chance in hell of surviving right now (of course hell may have frozen over when the New Orleans Saints won the superbowl in 2010). 

Okay - here's the part that's enough to piss off the Pope on Easter (forgive me for the analogy - I'll go say a Hail Mary for it).

Okay - so the rat-bastard commie is all about giving executive fiat to let the illegals stay in the country now and bypassing congress to do it at any rate.

What do illegals do?

Hmmmm, is it - pay taxes?


Is it improve our education system with their wonderful English speaking abilities?


Is it clog up our emergency rooms and suck our health care system dry because they aren't insured and don't want to pay the bills so they use the frigging ER for stupid stuff like having a cold?


Okay - so - we all know this is the case.

Then why the HELL doesn't the healthcare law apply to illegals who are NOT REQUIRED to buy insurance.

Yet - he says this about the law and why its so muy importante that everyone (except muslims and illegals) have it and I quote: "You can't not have health insurance," the president continued, "then go to the emergency room, and each of us, who've done the responsible thing and have health insurance, suddenly we now have to pay the premiums for you. That's not fair."

What the F*** Chuck???

So.....Mexicans - COME TO AMERICA - SUCK OUR HEALTHCARE DRY! and yet - AMERICANS! You're the reason our healthcare is being sucked dry so we have to force you to participate!


This is gonna get struck down and they know it.  Without the individual mandate the system doesn't work and the entire thing has to be re-written all over again.  THANK GOD!  I don't think this can or will ever happen again - I believe I see this monstrosity dying and perhaps our Nation Under God surviving another day by the grace of God and because of the stupidity of corrupt politicians.

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