Just how large is this Universe we live in? Makes one really feel insignificant in the big scheme of things.
Sombrero is 28,000,000 light years away! Now a light year is about 6 billion miles so what is 28 million times 6 billion? No wonder NASA and the Space Lab were so thrilled to receive these pictures from the Hubble telescope.
They are amazing.

Starry Night, so named because it reminded astronomers of the Van Gogh painting. It is a halo of light around a star in the Milky Way.
The glowering eyes from 114 million light years away are the swirling cores of two merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163 in the distant Canis Major constellation.
The Trifid Nebula. A 'stellar nursery', 9,000 light years from here, it is where new stars are being born.

This pictures can't be easily seen. How did I get it? I'm a genius lol.
Seeing things like this just makes me wonder about the Universe and how one MAN was able to create it in 7days. For some reason I don't particularly believe there's another planet where humans live aside from EARTH. Some scientists and space explorers believe so...but it's yet to be proven.
What about you guys...do you believe there's human life in another planet aside from earth? Do you believe in Aliens? Send me your thoughts.