The computer

There have been great inventions by great minds. Inventions that have made life more interesting for everyone of us. Imagine a life without the internet...how the heck will I know there's a Bella Naija or Waffarian somewhere in the world. Without planes we'd be in a ship for months trying to go from one country to another. No wonder it was not listed in the top ten inventions of all time. And with DNA, you can confirm if that child is really yours lol. And without contraceptives, the high rate of abortion will be astounding, which could lead to early deaths for some women. Oyibo people na wa o! Abeg can anyone tell me what any African man has helped to invent in the history of the world. I'm sure we've done something before, anyone know what it is?
Meanwhile my all time favourite invention of all time is the Aeroplane. How anyone could think of having something as big and heavy as that fly in the air still amazes me.
What's your own invention of all time?