10 reasons we need to pray

posted by sooyup

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1. Prayer is a way we gain confidence knowing God is nearand that He listens and answers according to His will

2. Prayer helps open our eyes to eternal, primary realities and helps us focus on godly values and priorities.

3. Prayer is honored by God Almighty, and when He so desires,He delivers us from physical and spiritual disaster.

4. Prayer, uttered by righteous, holy, blameless people, works.

5. Prayer is the antidote to worry and anxiousness.

6. Prayer goes hand-in-hand with emotional, spiritual, mental and physical healing.

7. Prayer is a means by which we can confess personal and corporate sin.

8.Prayer exhibits a humble, submissive attitude of trust in God.(cf. I Chronicles

9. Prayer gives God an avenue to demonstrate His love, forgiveness, mercy, power, grace, and strength.

10. Prayer is the power God uses to help others have spiritual understandingand the strength to live fruitful lives for His glory.

They say the difference between your problems and it's solutions is the difference between your knee and the floor.

Prayer is the answer key...please never forget to talk to your God at least once a day...I mean who else is there to talk to better than God who sees and knows everything?

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