Paris Hilton will be off to jail on June 5th 2007, to serve 45 days, for violating her parole. She was cught driving with a suspended licence. Her lawyers want to go appeal to avoid jail time for the hairess but something tells me the prosecuting team are extremely determined to see her serve jail time. If Paris does not show up on June 5th at her jail house, she will be sentenced to another 90 days in jail. She was said to have started crying after the judge gave the sentence on Friday May 4th. Does she deserve to go to jail?
Britney Spears tried to make a return to the stage last week at the House of Blues. Her reviews were poor though. I think she needs to straighten herself out before trying to make a come back.

Melanie Brown AKA Scary Spice is telling friends she wants to surprise Eddie Murphy at the Shrek 3 premiere on May 18th in Hollywood. Scary Spice is down to publicly confront Eddie about being the father of her child, Angel Iris Murphy Brown. The crazy man has still not recognised the little girl as his. I hope she does it!

The media is reporting that this cute little boy in the picture above is Jay z's son with a Trinidad and Tobago woman Shanelle Scott. This boy looks under five. Beyonce and Jay z have been together for five years. What's that? Meanwhile Jay Z has yet to accept the boy is his.
Time recently released their list of '100 most influential people in the world'. Tyra Banks, Oprah Winfrey, Tina fey, Osama Bin Laden, America Ferrera, Shonda Rhimes, Barack Obama, Condelisa Rice and 92 others were on the list. But guess what? The American president, George W Bush was shuned by Time. Americans are as mad as hell and have threatened to boycott the magazine.

On Friday May 4th, false reports said that Jay-Z was involved in a horrible plane crash on his way to the De La Hoya fight in Vegas. A plane did go down but Jay Z was not on it. Thank God.