1. Cleanse, tone and moisturize
2. Start sleeping: Get eight hours a night to keep your skin glowing and eyes sparkling.
3. The hair: Keep it well groomed and regularly neat and tidy
4. The nail: Pedicure and manicure regularly for perfect nails
5. Get gleaming: Brush, floss and polish your teeth for pearly white smile. Go to a dentist to sort any problem
6. Eat healthy: You are what you eat. For good hair, nails, and skin condition, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
7. Water: Eight glasses a day keeps the doctor away and you looking sensational
8. Go natural: Do not over dress, over make-up, over do anything 9. Do not drink or smoke: Excessive smoking and drinking make you age faster
10. Be happy always: No matter how beautiful you are, a miserable face is always unattractive. Do things and be with people that make you happy. When you're happy, you glow
Before shaving:
A healthy dose of moisturizer before shaving is also a good idea
Do not use foams, gels and products that contain agents such as Benzocaine or menthol. They may give a great lather but can really dry and irritate the skin, close your pores and stiffen your beard.
While shaving:
Make sure your razor is sharp. Old blunt blades spoil a shave and drag the skin.
Always shave in the same direction as hair growth. This prevents in-growth to a large extent.
Do not apply too much pressure on the shaving razor because this will cause skin burns and irritation. Instead, glide it gently across the face.
After shaving:
For cuts, use a moistened alum block to stop the bleeding.
Apply a moisturizing aftershave lotion on the shaved areas.
Use a moisturizer over the neck and face to keep the skin firm and supple.
I hope this post was useful to some people. Ciao!