Some countries, some cultures, some people get up to things that are not only weird, scary, dangerous, ridiculous, funny, outrageous...but damn right freaky. I mean, what the hell are these people thinking...they lost their mind or what? lol.
Check out some freaky festivals from all around the world...
1. La Tomatina
Where/when: Buol, Spain: last Wednesday of August
The planet's premier food fight draws thousands to the tiny Spanish town, where as a climax to a week-long festival, trucks unleash 90,000 pounds of tomatoes on a beer-fuelled crowd. For one hour, all hell breaks loose, and people happily bombard each other with tomatoes.
Freakiness factor: High - This gooey mess-fest will make you feel like a kid again. Once the tomatoes are gone and everyone looks like victims of a slasher movie, hoses spray the revellers clean.
2. Danjiri Festival
Where/when: Osaka, Japan: September
Unbelievably unsafe in theory and practice, the Danjiri Festival takes drunken locals and makes them surf on the roof of tall, wobbly vehicles. Since 1703, the towns-folk have designed elaborate floats and, on September 15th, they race them around Osaka's ancient roads and narrow streets. Year-upon-year, bones get smashed as rickety floats topple and over-competitive racers come to blows.
Freakiness factor: High - Although this is meant to be fun, fatalities are a common occurrence.
3. Theemidhi
Where/when: Singapore: late October
In tribute to an Indian goddess who proved her purity by walking barefoot on a bed of scorching coals, the Singapore festival of Theemidhi (fire walk) is an incredible sight. Things kick-off at 2 a.m when the men work themselves into a trance-like state and repeatedly walk across a four-metre bed of red-hot coals. Talk about feet of flames!
Freakiness factor: High - The expressions on the barefooted worshippers as they walk on the coals; they look as if they are peacefully sleeping.
4. World Championship Cockroach Races
Where/when: Brisbane, Australia: January 26 (Australia Day)
If being surrounded by hundreds of scurrying cockroaches isn't your idea of fun, then you're better off avoiding the World Championship Cockroach Races. Roach racing events include the sprint and the steeplechase - and thousands of bug lovers turn up each year to cheer on their favourite parasites.
Freakiness factor: High - Imagine seeing thousands of drunken Aussies worshipping an insect you usually trample on. freaky!

Cheese rolling
Where/when: Cooper's Hill, Gloucerster, England: May
At the end of May's Bank Holiday weekend, hundreds of maniacs (many in fancy dress) flock to the westcountry to chase a big block of cheese down a lofty embankment. So if you're sick of staying in and watching the same old boring films on the telly, join the other brave (or foolhardy) folk and bounce your body down the steep slope.
Freakiness factor: Medium - Apart from scolding yourself with a cheese toastie, this must be the most dangerous cheese-related activity on Earth

Moose Dropping Festival
Where/when: Talkeetna, Alaska: second weekend in July When life deals you lemons, make lemonade. When nature deals you moose dung, throw it at people from hot-air balloons. And that's what happens in this Alaskan backwater. Staggeringly, no one knows how this festival began. There's something strangely appealing about a town that takes a day to celebrate the digestive waste of a big-nosed beast.
Freakiness factor: - Medium - It's the only place in the world where you can win $1,000 for being pooped on

6. Sydney Fringe Festival Nude Night Surfing
Where/when: Bondi Beach, Sydney: January
Fancy yourself as a bit of a beach bum? Then join 10,000 other exhibitionists and flash your rude bits on Bondi Beach.
Freakiness factor: High - If you think this is a danger-free way to admire fit Aussie women in the buff - think again. Entering Australian waters at night leaves you wide open to a shark attack. Ouch

Ivrea Orange FestivalWhere/when: Piemonte, Italy - February
Centuries ago, the town's folk rebelled against a twisted count who kidnapped virgin brides and deflowered them on their wedding night. Not only was he beheaded, his guards were also stoned to death. Nowadays, the stones have been replaced by tons of juicy oranges that the villagers pelt at each other. This is quite possibly the wackiest historical re-enaction on Earth.
Freakiness factor: Medium - More bizarre than scary. At the end of the festival, a newlywed woman showers the people with sweets. Tasty!

Testicle festivalWhere/When: Rock Creek Lodge, Montana, USA: September
Assuming you've escaped Kirkpinar with your plums intact, you might want to check out the world's largest testicle festival. Not only can you taste delicious deep-fried bull's testicles and ogle women in the wet t-shirt competition, you can also get bladdered on the Bull Snort Brew. Nuts - quite literally.
Freakiness rating: High - Putting yourself at the mercy of drunken hillbillies is a recipe for disaster. Just remember - they won't hear your cries up in the Montana hills.
9. Kirkpinar Wrestling Festival
Where/When: Kirkpinar, Turkey: end of June/beginning of July
No, this isn't the aftermath of a Scissor Sisters concert, this is wrestling - Turkish-style. In the 14th century two warriors fighting before the Ottoman Sultan sparred so vigorously that they both died of exhaustion. In honour of this devotion, the city of Kirkpinar has held this tournament ever since.
Freakiness rating: High - Its prison rules where anything goes. Contestants can expect ear-pulling, nipple-twisting and (brace yourself) testicle-squeezing. Arrggh!

10. Raging bull
Spain's fighting bulls have lived up to their terrifying reputation, goring two and crushing at least seven people at this year's running of the bulls. Each year, thousands of thrill-seekers gather on the narrow cobbled streets of Pamplona to take part in the sacred San Fermin festival. The event sees bulls run through the city - preceded by crowds of revellers. But be warned, since records began in 1924, 13 people have lost their lives during the run.
Do these guys do this extraordinary events to add spice to their lives or are they just totally crazy? There are many ways to have fun...I guess they found theirs...freaky though!