I noticed that my last few naija entertainment gist posts didn't get that many comments. Is it that you guys aren't feeling it or you just want me to be the only culprit in this amebo game? We all know this is what y'all look forward to most on this blog...so why the silence? Ok, If I don't get many comments on this post...no more gists and gossip for y'all.
Just kidding, just kidding!lol! Just fishing for more comments.
I don't particularly like....ok...I like reporting this gists...hopefully, it won't get me in trouble one day.lol! Here goes...
Annie Macauley quote

Hear Annie...
We hear you're being threatened by some ladies believed to be 2face's lovers, how does he feel about it?
A"He knows that I'm being disturbed because of him. He keeps saying 'Juts keep your head up'"
Why did you end your relationship with 2face?
Annie"I'm not sure it was just the two of us in the relationship. There might have been a million other people in the relationship with us."
You guys were still dating when you heard he got another woman pregnant?
A "Yes!"
What about the second woman?
A"We were still together"
Did you ever sit him down to ask him why he was in different relationships at the same time?
A"I didn't know he was until it became visible"
Did he ever confess to you that he cheated on you?
"2face would never admit that he cheats, he would tell you no no no"
And it never brought any quarrel between you two
A"I'm a jealous woman. We argued a lot"
So what explanation did he give you for impregnating two women?
A"The thing is, he started traveling and things became different. I wasn't seeing him as often as I used to because it's wasn't all trips that I could make with him. So, all that contributed to the break up"
Did he use that one as excuse?
A"No, sometimes, no matter how much two people love each other, they might not really be meant to be together. Love alone is not enough to keep a relationship"
We hear he makes positive moves each day to get you back
A"It takes two to be together...my needs are different now. Before, I used to take whatever he gave me, but now he might not be in the position to give me all I want"
What if he asks for your hand in marriage now, would you agree?
A"A lot of water has gone under the bridge. so much has happened after the break up that I feel it is going to take the grace of God and his intervention. Aside from that, i don't think anything can go on between us again"
People are saying you are the person the family wants
A" I don't know about that"
Have you been to his village, met his family?
A"Yes. I've met almost every member of his family. I'm very close to his brothers."
Have they ever tried to mediate?
A"These are personal issues btw two adults. They understand that"
Are you seeing anyone at the moment?
A"There's no man. Just God, my work and my studies"
Dating a man isn't easy...dating a celebrity man is worse...they can make you start seeing a psychiatrist lol.
Annie is just 24/25? She's young, beautiful and talented. Yours is coming baby...you just wait!
You know sometimes you think you love someone so much that you are so scared to leave that relationship because you feel you'll never love that way again...at least not that deeply...but then when you eventually find the strenght to walk away and give another man a chance...you'll be surprised at how deeper you can love...and how happy you really can be...it's just for us to find the courage to let go and wait for what God has in store for us.
One day, I'll expantiate!
Naija Entertainment News

On to other D banj news...he's been nominated as one of the Best African Acts for this year's MTV Europe Music Awards. Who thinks D banj should win African Artist of the year

Yahoozee crooner, Olu Maintain, says he's single and searching...anyone interested should contact him asap.

Meanwhile, there was a terrible accident along the stadium area at 10pm last night, when a fuel tanker caught fire and exploded...in traffic. A lot of cars were said to have been caught in the inferno and some lives lost...Stadium is very close to my office, so I'm going there later to check it out myself.
Anyway, do have fun wherever you are and don't forget to make a comment on some of this stories...I'm looking for accomplices lol! Take care y'all! Y'all? I like it typing it...y'all lol. Cheers.