I don't know what's wrong with me, I've been loosing weight like a sick person in the last month or so. In fact that's the reason I haven't shot another episode of my TV show. My director and producer have refused to put me in front of the camera until I add a little more weight.
Two weeks ago, I weighed 53 kg. When I checked yesterday, I weighed 49 kg...don't know how much it's measured in pounds, but that's really really unhealthy, considering my height! This is what I used to look like...this was 5/6 years ago. See how chubby and healthy I used to look?
This is what I look like now...this photo was taken two days ago. Me and my mommy! See how big my head is compared to the rest of my body? lol! Can you see how my bones are hanging out? See how tiny my arms are? No longer sexy!
My mum doesn't even like looking at me anymore lol...she complains and complains and complains...
I eat well, I sleep well, I take vitamins, appetite stimulants...still I'm skinny.
And no, I don't have AIDS...I already checked. lol!
And no, I'm not depressed or anything like that...in fact I'm having me a really beautiful time right now.
And no, I'm not stressed, I enjoy everything I do.
So what the heck is the problem?
I can't shoot my TV programme and the photo shoot I was supposed to do has been cancelled...TWICE! They said my body was unflattering to the dress...imagine!lol
Maybe I should just fire my director and get someone who thinks I look healthy enough?
Ok, maybe that's not such a good idea! Besides, there's something really special happening in 2/3 weeks and I want to look real cute for that...
So what do I do? Who can give me advice? How do I add 5 kg in 2 weeks?
Any experts reading this? Pls give me advice.
While I'm waiting for your advice, I want to say that there are those who might like my slimness and want to shed all that fat on their body...well, here's how YOU can loose weight.
1. Determine your daily calorie intake. Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories than you take in, through exercise and your daily activities.
2. Plan your meals. Look for healthy, delicious meals online or in your cookbooks, and create a menu for the week.
3. Graze on healthy snacks. Just because you're getting healthy doesn't mean you can't snack. In fact, eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, or grazing, has been shown to aid weight loss, (compared to eating three large meals a day), by keeping metabolism steadier.
4. Just Get more fiber. There are many myths about fiber, but there is science to back up its helpful role in the diet. Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines, making your digestive system work more efficiently and helping to keep you regular.
5. Drink plenty of water. Adequate Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don't get enough
6. Exercise. Remember you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential.
7. Perform high-level aerobic activities. Pump some iron. Resistance training, (weight training), can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism.
8. Rest properly. This means not only taking at least 24-48 hours between strength training the same muscles, (and taking 1-2 days off from exercising each week); it also means getting enough sleep at night, since sleep deficiency impairs your ability to lose fat.
9. Be realistic. Don't expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you'll need to be patient.
10. Make adjustments. A successful weight loss strategy based on reducing calorie intake and increasing activity can be adjusted to maintain your desired weight once you reach it
Sometimes, I feel like I look older than my age...sometimes I feel I look younger. For those of you aging TOO FAST, here are tips on ways to slow it down a little.
11 Ways to slow down the aging process
1. Change your perception of time. Don't be in a hurry.
2. Get restful sleep.
3. Eat fresh, nutritious food.
4. Take at least two multivitamins with minerals every day.
5. Practice a mind body technique such as yoga or tai chi.
6. Exercise regularly.
7. Don't put toxins in your life, including toxic food, toxic
emotions, toxic relationships, and avoid toxic environments or toxic relationships.
8. Have a flexible attitude to minor hassles.
9. Look at so-called problems as opportunities.
10. Nurture loving relationships.
11. Always have an attitude of curiosity, learning, and wonder and spend time with children.
By the way, I hung out with Excited Jade and Tayo Odukoya yesterday. It was a fab outing. Ask excited, I was eating pastries and Ice cream like a mad woman...she wondered where all the food was going to...God help me sha! lol!
I also hear that some bloggers (home and abroad) are planning a Xmas party here in Nigeria, since most of y'all are coming home.Wow, that's something to look forward to. I'll put ears to the ground for any new gists about it.
Meantime, have a fab day!