Let me start by saying happy new month to everyone. May all your dreams come true this month.
So Nigeria is 47 years old today. Wow! We are that young? Just 47 years old? And we are comparing ourselves to nations that have been in existence over 100 years before us? What most of us fail to realise is that most of the world's advanced nations were in worst situations than Nigeria is today, in their early stages of independence. We've had a shaky foundation but the beauty about it is...there's hope for a beautiful tomorrow.
Today, let's look ahead in hope...let's stop condemning our country, let's stop projecting it in a negative light, let's shut the mouths of those who say our country will never amount to nothing.
Nigeria is more today than we were yesterday and we will be more tomorrow more than we are today.
Nigeria is a blessed and beautiful country and I'm going to state 10 reasons why I think Nigeria is beautiful.
1. The people: Despite the frustrations and difficulties, Nigerians are the happiest people in the world. The people are accommodating, peace loving and always find a reason to smile.
2. No natural disasters: We have no earthquakes, storms, floods etc. We see what this disasters do to some countries...and we don't have it, will probably never have it, isn't that a blessing in itself?
3. It's a peaceful country: When I think of the ethnic clashes, genocide, brutal killings and war that occur in other African countries...I thank God for being a Nigerian. I know some of you will wonder about the incessant kidnappings in the Niger Delta...what I'll say is this: They call themselves militants...I call them youths looking for money. How many cases of deaths have occurred? They always release these expatriates as soon as their demands are met...they call themselves militants? They should go see what militants in Iraq, Iran, Palestine, etc do and then shut up.
4. No bills, bills, bills and taxes: Sincerely how many Nigerians pay bills the way bills are paid in other developed countries? Do the Nigerian government take a certain percentage from our income like it's done in other countries? How many of us pay our taxes? Who has been locked up for tax evasion in Naija? Is their anything like Gas bill, water bill, phone bill etc at the end of the month? In Naija, we live on 'pay as you go'.
5. Abundant food and oil: A lot of people don't know this but other developed countries pay more for food and gas than we do here...I know we should be paying less because we produce this things in Naija...our bad leaders won't let that be...but it's not as bad as some countries have it.
6. No serial killers: In other countries, you get popped for nothing. Some crazy people put a bullet in your brain or strangle you because they just feel like killing someone. They pick you at random...imagine dying for nothing! Not nice! If you get killed in Naija, it's for a reason. It's either politically motivated, or it's for ritual or greed or maybe a stint with armed robbers...you die for a reason...lol!
7. No mental illnesses: People don't walk around carrying baggage's on their shoulders. Most Nigerian you see are sane...the ones not normal are the ones who have distinguished themselves by walking around half naked and in dirt. At least we know they are insane and we avoid them. In other countries, the insane ones are the ones who wear suits and go to work...they talk and act normal until they do something...like kill their family. There are a few psychiatric homes and psychiatrist in Naija. If you go crazy, it's either because of drugs or someone did something to you (Black magic, for those who believe in that), not because of some twisted thing that happened to you in your childhood. We don't carry such around.
8. Nollywood/Sports: Our movie industry is the third largest in the world, next to Hollywood and Bollywood. There are over 150 nations, and ours is the 3rd in the whole world...what are we talking about? In terms of sports, Nigeria and Nigerians have broken world records. We have accomplished more than any other African country. Our nation have been put on the world map.
9. It's beauty and history: Nigeria has beautiful landscapes, sceneries, structures, monuments. Nigerians to me are one of the most beautiful people in the world. Our history is also something to be proud of...look at where we are coming from and where we are today...what do you see?
10. Nigeria is your home...what's more beautiful than that?
Meanwhile, here's a cartoon depicting the beauty of Nigeria and Nigerians.

I don't care what you say, we are a beautiful nation!!!