My sex-maniac husband

posted by sooyup

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I got an email from a reader of this blog. She wants your advice for an usual problem. She's married to a man whom she says loves to have sex...A LOT! She says to put emphasis on A LOT!

I never hear this kind wahala before o... lol. (Not funny I apologise :-))

Anyway, she said when she used to live in Nigeria with her husband, she'd leave home to go visit her mother for days mostly to escape his sexual demands (which she says is driving her to insanity) then they relocated to the UK and now she has nowhere to run to.

She writes "He wants it every time, morning, afternoon and night. Just whenever we are alone. The nights are the worst for me. He could go on and on all night long. He can't seem to control his urges and he's never satisfied. What do I do? The situation is making me so unhappy"

I'm not married so I really can't give any advice. If you have any words for our dear wife, please share. She really would appreciate it.

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