Woman Tried To Cut Out Unborn Baby

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Veronica Deramous had told her boyfriend and family she was pregnant. She held her 29-year-old victim hostage for five days at her apartment in Washington after befriending her at a nearby homeless hostel and lured her to her flat by promising to give her baby clothes.

She tied her up and sliced open her stomach to try to remove the child, using a box cutter and some razor blades, police said. Deramous allegedly gagged her victim, turned up the volume on her TV, and told her: "You're strong, you can handle what I'm going to do to you."
Her victim then managed to escape after Deramous, 40, fell asleep. A neighbour called police after spotting the woman covered in blood in a car park.
Doctors delivered her baby girl by emergency Caesarean section. The victim is expected to make a full recovery and her child has been named Miracle Sky.

She has been charged with attempted first-degree murder and false imprisonment.

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