FACT: Less Than 3% of fliers get 100% felt up by TSA


posted by sooyup

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So I don't understand why refusing a pat-down gets you arrested.  You get refused a flight, leave the airport and your name gets put on a list and you get checked out a bit more - why do we need the arrest?  It's fear and intimidation by the TSA thugs (AKA brownshirts).  TSA arrests a sexual assault victim and then hauls her off in front of everyone because they had to feel her up and she wasn't going through with it.  http://www.kvue.com/news/local/Woman-arrested-at-ABIA-after-refusing-enhanced-pat-down-112354199.html

TSA says its not a violation of your rights.  I don't understand where in deciding not to get on a plane you have somehow still waived the right to not be searched. Where does the right to not be searched end?   When you buy the ticket?  If you don't show up at the airport are you guilty?   What about if you check your baggage and don't get in line and go home?  What about get in line and get right out?   Or get in line and then three people before you are set to go, you decide not to fly?  Maybe you're just afraid of flying?  Will that get you arrested?

I'm really wondering about the constitutionality of all this.  Martial law hasn't been declared, we are protected against unreasonable search and seizure by the 4th Amendment which reads thus: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

What makes this probable cause to feel a woman up?  Or if she refuses to fly still is grounds for arrest?  Now if she insisted on flying (which she did) I can understand the concern.  However, what also is the level of training for a TSA agent to distinguish between a real breast, a breast implant and a bomb implant?  I mean - really?  Like she can't get the fire axe off the wall after she passes security anyways. 

This whole thing is smoke and mirrors.

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