Top Ten Fighting Ships in Naval History


posted by sooyup

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This was a pretty sweet series for those into naval history. I have been aboard the USS New Jersey, father served on the Missouri and I had a roomie on the Missouri as well - but this was pretty interesting to watch. If you click on the bottom it will run you from number 10 to number 1 or you can click on the youtube link and it will auto play all ten for you which is nice if you'd rather just let the thing run: link here 

The only thing that has me curious - as a former nuke in the submarine pipeline - is why aren't submarines on this list.  The cold war was fought by submarines and our boomers carry and have carried more firepower than has been detonated in the history of mankind and they are the one thing that give us "last strike capability".....maybe it's because of the fear factor just isn't just don't know they are there!  There's a reason it's called the Silent don't know they are there until it's too late.  Oh and for what it's worth - "Crimson Tide" is bogus.  It's like the CIA - your failures are known - your successes are not.

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