Not a Democracy.....


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Senate Democrats, tired of the Republican's filibustering Democrat legislation and not getting everything they want and sick of the fact that not only did they get voted out in large numbers, but that America doesn't agree with them, are preparing to reform the filibuster in the Senate to continue to ram legislation down America's throat.  In other words, make it harder to filibuster - or prevent it from being used. 

I like this quote: "The bottom line is this: the Senate was never intended to be a democratic body, a reflection of one man, one vote," writes "Vladimir" at the Red State blog. "It is a deliberative body, and a consensus-building body. The filibuster has an important role to play in making that possible."

I was thinking just make Olympia Snowe an honorary Democrat might be a solution.  I still remember Barbara Boxer screaming like the personality-disordered-little-girl she is when the Republicans controlled all three branches in the government how the checks and balances of the government were destroyed and our government was never meant to have one party in power across all three branches of government.  (OH THE HUMANITY!) Well, now they are in power and I don't see them fussing about it - I remember them being outraged at filibuster reform when they were in the minority back in 2005 and now....look what they are doing.   Hypocrites!  Of course....we already knew all this.

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