DB Cooper Skyjacking Case About To Be Solved?

posted by sooyup on ,

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Not that I'm a fan of crime, I do admire a piece of ingenuity and genius when it comes to solving a problem...like, how to get a few hundred thousand from the FBI and jump out of a plane and live.  The DB Cooper skyjacking is a piece of genius work - if the skyjacker lived.

The skyjacking occurred out of here in Portland, Oregon (A beautiful airport if you ever go, and is rated has having the lowest and most friendly incidents of molestation by TSA in the USA!) on a Northwest Airlines flight, and supposedly he jumped up near Lake Merwin in Washington, and not too long ago a parachute was found near Amboy, Washington spiking interest in the case.  But after massive manhunt searches.....some of the largest....nothing.

There've been a lot of frauds on the case, but none of them are DB Cooper and the FBI's debunked them.  It only makes sense that none of them have been DB Cooper because.....well.....I'm DB Cooper. 

I'm also Zorro.

And I'm the droids you're looking for. 

Anyways, the FBI should be here in a minute after posting this, as well as some Mexican officials looking for Zorro, and possibly some storm troopers - I'll let ya know how that goes.

 Here's two interesting news stories on the case, one about the DB Cooper Day celebrations that take place up near Lake Merwin (Nice place to go if you ever make it up there, Cougar Washinton is pretty scenic as well while you're out there) and here's a wikipedia article on it.  Gotta be honest about it though, I can't imagine finding the guy being worth anything at this point.  I almost hope they don't in one sense because we got bigger criminals in our White House right now and nobody's making an effort to stop him, who cares about a Hijacker from about 40 years ago?

Oh, and here's a gratuitous animated gif image of DB cooper jumping out of the plane with the money:

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