The officer was a spokesman for the Kerry campaign in 2004 and who called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth a bunch of liars and Nazis.
He's currently in prison for possession of child pornography but has been stripped of his Silver Star.
I do have one question about all that though - having been a police officer and had to go through some horrific stuff to get to the bottom of things. Nothing like having a sobbing woman in front of you and talking with her about what sexual position she was in when she did what and her history of sexual experiences and how she got into prostitution while she ends up blowing her nose on your sleeve and falls apart. I read the papers in the article and the descriptions in them meant that someone had to VIEW several hours of child pornography to pursue the case.
This reminds me of the Seattle police pursuing the case where the tapes were found of the beastiality parties on a farm that were like 120 some hours or however long of people having sex with farm animals and they reviewed them all just to make sure no crimes were committed.
So, if you want to see child porn....legally......go into law enforcement?
Or go to a Middle Eastern country where pornography is illegal under Islam unless you're a government ruler or your name is Osama Bin Laden.
posted by sooyup on news, psychology