posted by sooyup

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Akon revealed casually to DJ Angie Martinez on a radio programme recently that he practices polygamy and has THREE WIVES. Is this true? I heard he's been banned from talking about this by executives of his record label for fear that could make him loose some of his fans. He lives in the USA where polygamy is not possible or understood. Sincerely, if Akon has three wives, then I must say I'm deeply disappointed. He claims to be 27years old, how can he have three wives at such a young age? What the hell is a young man doing with three wives at this day and age? I hope its not true. His only known/official wife is Latrice pictured below

I'll also like to say Akon's brothers look so much like him. Check out Boo on Akon's right and and Omar on his left

The Thiam brothers

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