Lighten up

posted by sooyup

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Hey you...yes you! Lighten up. You will be alright. I know it looks all gloomy and dark now but there will be better days. You will smile again!

Just try to be very grateful for the many good things you have in your life - and forget about the things you don't have....yet! They will come...just have faith.

No matter what you are going through now...just remember, this too shall pass. In this world we live in, nothing ever last. Nothing!

Your current situation is only a chapter in your will get over it and you will be stronger, better and happier...just trust in God who never disappoints. And whatever it is you think you lack and want...keep praying, never stop ASKING, SEEKING, KNOCKING and BELIEVING...never ever stop that.

If you're being hard on yourself...stop it! If you've done wrong, forgive yourself, be gentle on yourself, love yourself and be hopeful.

You will get over all will be pls lighten up. SMILE! Is that a smile I see? Good! :-)

Now go watch a movie...hang out with friends...sit for hours talking to your mum, it's therapeutic.

I'm going to be MIA for a few days...I'm working on a project that will take me away for a few days..I'll catch you guys when I'm done. Just thought to leave the above message for all those feeling really low right now. It's xmas...don't let anyone or anything mess with your spirit. Be happy ok?

God bless you all

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