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Ohio is set to allow concealed handgun carriers to carry into sports stadiums and into bars even!  

"Ohio's concealed handgun licensees already can carry into nearly any burger joint. But if they try to have a hamburger and Coke at a Max & Emma's while armed, they commit a crime," said Jeff Garvas, the president of Ohioans for Concealed Carry, in a opinion article published last month in numerous local publications. "The only difference between the lawful and criminal act is the presence of a liquor license at a particular restaurant. That's the simple problem that 'restaurant carry' legislation is designed to fix."

Wonder if we'll see a news report later on crime stats in Ohio after this.  My studies have shown that everywhere people carry concealed handguns and the laws are looser, crime actually declines greater than the population growth!

The second amendment may survive another day!

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